Favourite Film?

Darkprinny said:
Any studio ghilbi stuff (think a Jap disney only good)
If you have film four theres one on Friday called little norse prince
1968 one of there first films
But they tend to show them every know and then

But id plump for
Princess mononkoe (?)
Spirt away (the film that got most people into his stuff)
Howls moving castle
Porco rosso

as for others
Samurai x turst/ betrail /reflections
In that order (the mangas better but the animation on these is amazing)
Ghost in the shell (its a mind fu(k ie what is real)
Appleseed (there are two versions the gci one s still good)
Dead leaves (this is what happens when anime makers do drugs)
Cowboy bebop :the movie/knocking on heavens door (anime gose hollywood)
First of the north star (not on dvd in the uk)(adds more red)
Blood the last vampire (60 mns but this is qualty)

Edit :
Try wikiing some of the titles for more info

Death note 1-2
my neighbor totoro(got on vhs 1st anime i saw)
keroro gunso uber movie
spirited away...
2 many others
Darkprinny said:
Spirt away (the film that got most people into his stuff)

he he he... this is soooo true...


I like howls moving castle... (your going to think i'm so lame but i cried at the end)

Metropolis is another good anime film...

i like black jack too...

What about Ghost in the Shell? that's mint film ^^

i liked the cat returns too ^^

i'm a big studio G fan i guess ^^
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Lol yeah tis, well I made it ages a go and it just stopped, someone randomly posted in it like yesterday or today so it's come back.. haven't asked for it to be moved yet mind..
Ooh i havelike a billion favourite films but the best few are:

1) Titanic
2)one i cant remember the name of
3) click
4) millions
5) The day after tomorrow
6) 28 days later
7) happy gilmore
8) little shop of horrors
9) Bruce almighty
10) shaun of the dead
11)donnie darko
MACRI said:
Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, A Clockwork Orange, A Scanner Darkly, other stuff....

A Scanner Darkly was AMAZING!

None of the theaters around me were showing it. I had to drive an hour just to find one that was showing, saw it on opening night.
My favourite movie ever is definitely Mystic River, it's awesome from the start to the end. Sean Penn has one of his best performances.

My second favourite movie is Crash, won the Oscar for the best movie in 2005.
It's just awesome...

And my third will have to be The Bourne Supremacy 1 & 2, it's so well made, and it's a great perfomance by Matt Dillon in both movies.
All Monty Python
The Fifth Element
The Usual Suspects
Office Space
The silence of the lambs
Clockwork Orange
Pan's labyrinth
Many many more. Great thread you guys are putting up some great ones. Watching Boondock saints tonight for the 1st time. (Netflix)
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My favourite movies in no particular order and not limited to:
Police Story
The Bourne Identity & Bourne Supremacy
The Matrix
The Departed
My fav movie of all time is Apocalypse Now.

These are some i just can't go without mentioning
Star wars
Crouching tiger hidden dragon
Blade 1
House of flying daggers
Fist of the north star
Full metal jacket
We were soldiers
Donnie Brasco
1. Halloween
2. Titanic (Yes I liked it)
3. Shaun of the dead
4. Dawn of the dead
5. Black Christmas (original remake sucked)
6. Thank you for smoking
7. The breakfast club
8. The Posidon adventure
9. Psyco

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