Favourite Film?

- godfather part 1 and 2 (any TRUE fan knows that 3 "doesnt exist')

That can also be applied to Terminator 3.

Anyone else agree? If not, I may be forced to beat you. :mad:
I thought is was the best of all the prequels. NO JAR JAR! MWAHAHA
lol yeah Jar Jar sucks...but I noticed the computarized creatures looked a lot better in Episode 1 than in 2 and 3, really, you must see those movies to know what I'm talking about, also the lighting effects are better in ep. 1...I get the impression that Lucas just rushed everything in ep. 2 and 3...plus, no Saber fight in 2 and 3 compares to the one with Darth Maul, don't you agree? I mean look at the one with Anakin and Count Dooku in ep. 2, what the hell? that looked like a valz dance and he just stood there when Dooku sliced off his arm, and in ep. 3 it's just jumps and computirized Obi Wan Kenobi and Anakin and that sucked.
I will have to agree, the Darth Maul battle was pretty much the best in the series next to Luke and Vader in Episode VI.
Yaaaargh how can I pick just one??

My current fav would be Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey, the two generation X'ers are at it again, this time getting killed and going through the afterlife, seeking assistance to destroy evil robot clones from the future with the help of scientists from across the galaxy and the grim reaper, all while trying to win the battle of the bands! Hilarious :D
I grew up watching Bill and Ted. I prefer the first one though the second one is priceless.

Sometimes, when I encounter an awesome situation I really wish that playing air guitar would create that noise.
n3gative3 said:
Sometimes, when I encounter an awesome situation I really wish that playing air guitar would create that noise.
It does for me
Geeze, it is hard to narrow it down. I really like movies.

Bottle Rocket
Fog of War
Princess Bride
Millers Crossing
Best In Show

Soooo many more........

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