Favourite Film?

well...i like umm
Jackass movies
SamuraiX( i dont know if you consider those OVA's movies...)
saw movies(havent seen the third one yett)
Fist Of legends
The protector(the story line is pretty crappy but action...AMAZING)
umm i dunno realli lol but i like action/martial arts and horror alot
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I actually thought Anchorman was pretty disappointing, didn't find it as funny as people told me it was
kiraownsurmom said:
i jus saw the bridge to teribithia it was good but da book was better

That looks good. I've read the book, so i have a question: Is the movie drastically different from it?
The lord of the rings trilogy, even though the books are better. Its actually a good storyline, not the case for a lot of movies mentioned. I liked

Irobot too, makes you think.
A beautiful mind
The Race for the Double Helix.
I just saw Pumpkin Saved! and Ghost Rider.
All good movies!
Ghost Rider had some lame dialogue though.
has anyone here seen Half Baked? pretty pointless movie but still good.

I just watched the gaurdian (coast gaurd movie wih ashton cutcher) it was really good :D:D or at least i thought it was
Wait, Ghost Rider doesn't suck giant monkey balls? I figured any movie delayed so it could be released in February had to blow.
spicka said:
has anyone here seen Half Baked? pretty pointless movie but still good.

I just watched the gaurdian (coast gaurd movie wih ashton cutcher) it was really good:D :D or at least i thought it was

Of course. It's a classic. That movie's absolutely hilarious.
The Gaurdian was really lame. Mainly because Ashton Cutcher isn't a great serious actor. I only like him when he's the funny guy. i.e Kelso.

Gymdawg said:
Wait, Ghost Rider doesn't suck giant monkey balls? I figured any movie delayed so it could be released in February had to blow.

Nah surprisingly it wasn't that bad.
Had some lame villains and somewhat stupid comic book style dialogue , but overall it was a good flick.
It also had a cliff hanger ending so expect a Ghost Rider 2.
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spicka said:
I just watched the gaurdian (coast gaurd movie wih ashton cutcher) it was really good :D:D or at least i thought it was

I dont think i could ever take Ashtone Cutcher seriously in a non comedy movie. But the latest good movie is saw was Crank. That movie is flippin awesome. I wanna die the way he did.
blueradio said:
Of course. It's a classic. That movie's absolutely hilarious.
The Gaurdian was really lame. Mainly because Ashton Cutcher isn't a great serious actor. I only like him when he's the funny guy. i.e Kelso.

Well i have a big coast gaurd oriented family ( my grandpaw was the Admiral, 4 stars) and we all liked it

I guess its all about diferent opinions

The Departed is also a great movie Jack Nicholson is awesome, and there are loads of head shots :D:D

On the topic of Jack Nicholson.....The Shining, "red rum" "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy"
Wow, I guess I'll be the first one to say it:

Predator. One of the greatest movies ever.

"There, up in them trees... I see you..."

Garden State is a wonderful movie as well. I can just watch it over and over.


Alien, Aliens, Alien 3, Alien Ressurection, Predator 2 and...

Does anyone in here even like zombie movies?! Besides Resident Evil 2 because that really doesn't count... at all.

Night Of The Living Dead '91 - Tom Savini remake was awesome
Land Of The Dead
Day Of The Dead
Dead Alive
- watch this film, i mean it, one of the goriest movies of all time. Plus it is early Peter Jackson
Dawn Of The Dead - Zack Snyder remake only for the zombie effects. Running zombies is just a horribly impractical idea. And last but not least,
Return Of The Living Dead - has running zombies but is worth it because it is a classic!

Also speaking of Horror... Bram Stoker's Dracula, the 1992 Francis Ford Coppola version. Definitely the best out of the Dracula movies because though it takes some artistic freedom it is the closest to the source material (the book) that you will find in cinema.
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Ohh I forgot to say Steve Carrell MADE Anchorman.. it wouldn't be half as good without him in it. Best movie quote ever - 'I love lamp.' Genius :thumbsup:
"Brick killed a man today. Brick I was meaning to talk to you about that. You may want to lay low for a while, find a safe house.."

Or something like that.
n3gative3 said:
"Brick killed a man today. Brick I was meaning to talk to you about that. You may want to lay low for a while, find a safe house.."

Or something like that.

Ya bricks like "i tridented someone" lol :D :D

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