Favorite Anime Showzen!!

Samurai Shamploo (or Samurai Shampo as we called it) is another anime I've seen every episode of. I liked it except for:

1. The Intro Music
2. The last couple of Episodes (From the one were they work in the mines onward...)
Mitch2025 said:
and some weird, random anime on adult swim (not sure what its called but it looks like a 2 year old drew it and has a super hero called bastard man lol)

I'VE SEENT THAT SHOW BEFORE! Ugh its like crap. I hate it.

As for my fave, i don't really know. There are a number of good anime i have watched, but i never really follow through with them and end up watching only a few episodes. I guess the one i've seen the most of is naruto, so that is my favorite, aside from pokemon. (old pokemon was actually good!)
Actually hers a list of Animes ive seen :)

FMP(Full Metal Panic)
Ghost in the Shell
FMA(Don't like it that much :/)
DN Angel
Shaman King
Sonic X
Sonic Underground(Yes sonic is an Anime)
And a thousand more xD
I've got it! My favorite anime series would have to be the Tales of Phantasia series. I had no idea it existed until earlier today, and its pretty good! Kinda sad at the end tho.
sasuke747 said:
Actually hers a list of Animes ive seen :)

FMP(Full Metal Panic)
Ghost in the Shell
FMA(Don't like it that much :/)
DN Angel
Shaman King
Sonic X
Sonic Underground(Yes sonic is an Anime)
And a thousand more xD
I know, I can't ever get into it. I'll watch for a long time, then get bored so i'll stop watching it, then i'll start watching it again but they've already gone through like 10 arcs :sick: I get totally lost:(

I also liked the old Pokemon (Johto and Kanto), it really was good. I loved going in my Mom's/Dad's room as a kid and just laying in their bed every Saturday morning and watching it:) The good old days:rolleyes: The only shows I haven't liked so far r the Hoenn region episodes, or the most current ones. Especially sense they got rid of Misty;)
Lord Haku said:
Naruto, Inyusha, of course Full Metal Alchemist the best dub ever! And Bleach which appering at 12:30 and Trintiy blood and......... ruroni kensin and Yu Yu haksasho the sprit decevtive

Cow Boy Beepop had greate dub as well IMO

Fav, Anime, ( i have not seen much since i stoped watching back in the day when cartoon network FIRST aird Majin Buu (the big fat pink version) and turned vegeeta into a cookie)

Neon Genesis Evangelion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gunslinger Girl
CowBoy Beepop
Elfen Lied
Full Mettal Alchemist (although i have not seen much cus i was re-introduced to anime far into the season on cartoon network)
Yakitate!! Japan lol


INUYASHA OF COARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mitch2025 said:
some weird, random anime on adult swim (not sure what its called but it looks like a 2 year old drew it and has a super hero called bastard man lol)

FMA is OK but just not my kinda stuff

Shin Chan is the name, but it has it's funny moments and sometimes not so funny. I would have to agree with you on FMA cuz i just couldn't get into it.
posted by Dark VoidAime i DESPISE:

INUYASHA OF COARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How could:wtf: What's wrong with it:confused:
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I didnt start of watching pokemon digimon is waht attrachted me to anime. Call it a rip of I just remeber waking up early on saturady morning waiting for it to start to bad they ruined it though the best seasons are 1 and 2 3 and 4 are horrible
if u want to watch an anime thats does nothing but fillers just watch inuyasha, i mean come on there are so many episodes (i know naruto is very very lengthy as well, and has its share of fillers but their ninja =p and better story). and every episode i have seen was really boring and lame and they cant seem to kill the maind baddy and they do really dumb things, it just bothers me -.-
Dark Void said:
if u want to watch an anime thats does nothing but fillers just watch inuyasha, i mean come on there are so many episodes (i know naruto is very very lengthy as well, and has its share of fillers but their ninja =p and better story). and every episode i have seen was really boring and lame and they cant seem to kill the maind baddy and they do really dumb things, it just bothers me -.-

There is nothing wrong with tons episodes and the so called fillers contribute to the overall story. If the don't want fillers watch the 4 movies.
My faves at the moment (they change) are

Hajime no ippo/Fighting spirit (Some of the best fights EVER)
Naruto (but it is strating to get dull 200 eps about 50 filler)
Cardcaptor Sakura (Dub was missing a lot of stuff like a few eps and a lot of plot stuff)
Jubei chan samurai girl (funny maybe to funny)
Azumanga daioh (see above)
Samurai X/Rurouni Kenshin (perfer the manga but the ovas have the best animation ever)
Anything from studio Ghlbi (The way kids films should be)
FLCL (Just mad just stark raveing bonkers)

I got a load of dvds and like them all but these are ones that im watchin at the moment
Bleach was good but its becomeing dragonball z with swords (fights are to long and its the same most of the time)
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Wii_Rulez said:
There is nothing wrong with tons episodes and the so called fillers contribute to the overall story. If the don't want fillers watch the 4 movies.

No fillers dont add to the story they dont forward it they just anony
but at least with the naruto ones some of the lesser charicters got a look in
I love Naruto, but I have only seen amvs on YouTube...
When we went to America I saw some of Sailor Moon. I thought that was cool, I was 7 at the time though so I have no idea what its like now. We dont have any channels that show anime here.

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