I Hate Naruto

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fatalorgasm92 said:
I know i hav seen ninja scroll. I didnt say All you that like Ninjas watch Afro samurai because it hase cool ninjas i just said watch it.Ninjas and samurais are pretty much gonna end up with the same kind of fighting sequences and if you are a fan of Ninjas you probably like Samurais as well....

Whoa thats wrong
Compare Naruto to Samurai x

Very different fights
Naruto = fight Special tech, talk

Samurai X = Talk Whoops hes dead talk

Afro = Fight, fight talk

End point Ninjas and true Samurais are very diffrent

Try watching Hukoto no ken/Fist of the north star and compare that to Naruto
I used to watch Naruto... after episode 50~ it starts getting a little 'samey'

i don't watch it anymore (i watched the uncut subs too =| - still boring)

OH. NB - 4KIDS entertainment destroyed one piece =|

the Naruto 4KIDS rocked - BELEIVE IT! - LMAO, Joking it sucked majorly.
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Darkprinny said:
Whoa thats wrong
Compare Naruto to Samurai x

Very different fights
Naruto = fight Special tech, talk

Samurai X = Talk Whoops hes dead talk

Afro = Fight, fight talk

End point Ninjas and true Samurais are very diffrent

Try watching Hukoto no ken/Fist of the north star and compare that to Naruto
Godamit i didnt say they were the same thing I only said if you like Ninjas you probably like samurais too.Damn its not that big a deal I KNOW they arent the same thing they have two different names to decipher that. My point was just If you like Ninjas the you probably like samuarias. damn...
I used to watch Naruto... after episode 50~ it starts getting a little 'samey'

You missed the best fight Rock lee drunk vs bone guy

i downloaded this about a week ago... i still haven't watched it... i hope it's good
What the whole sires ? (100+ eps)
Or the movie (there are a few)
sean allmost everything to do with it

Godamit i didnt say they were the same thing I only said if you like Ninjas you probably like samurais too.Damn its not that big a deal I KNOW they arent the same thing they have two different names to decipher that. My point was just If you like Ninjas the you probably like samuarias. damn...

Afro samurai and naruto are very diffrent
Hukoto no ken is Narutoish (sounds like a insult)
ie the fights can be good and funny
Darkprinny said:
What the whole sires ? (100+ eps)
Or the movie (there are a few)
sean allmost everything to do with it

Hokuto no Ken (1986) (Fist of the North Star) - that

it's the movie... dunno which one though ^^

if it's good i might get the series
Film ver the Jap one
The ending will confuse the hell outa you
(the sires explains it better)
If you liked it this site has the full torrent for almost all of it

Raoh den Junai no sho
Has a epic last fight
Both men standing on a pyramid (long story) doing epic stances lightning crashing all around them
Raoh says
"Do you hear that the gods are angry"
Darkprinny said:
Film ver the Jap one
The ending will confuse the hell outa you
(the sires explains it better)
If you liked it this site has the full torrent for almost all of it

Raoh den Junai no sho
Has a epic last fight
Both men standing on a pyramid (long story) doing epic stances lightning crashing all around them
Raoh says
"Do you hear that the gods are angry"

=| sounds kinda weird... i just watched the first 36 mins and i can't honestly see what its going on... i don't think it's for me...

i'll report back later when i can be bothered to watch the rest of it =/
dark prinny rules

i think the headbands and stuff are gay but the show and manga (in jap) are solide
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kiraownsurmom said:
"zomg naruto noob"

i h8 it cause all the wapanese kids in my school do wat wapanese ppl do like speak wapanese,pose in myspace pics w/ katanas,watch youtube eps of the japanese eps.
note: no asian kids in my school watch it

What's wrong with posing for Myspace pictures? i mean... posing with a katana is pretty lame... but posing it's cool

For Example:

^^ Sometime you can make yourself look pretty decent.


Not really... but i can try.
kiraownsurmom said:
i mean all my wapanese friends have pics like that with 2 or more katanas w/ sunglasses thrown up signs sayn look how cool i am,1 of mine is like cold steel[banki *****] we all laugh at that

hahaha... sounds like they're pretty lame...

How old are they?

(comment if under 18) And their parents allow them to have katanas in their house? What a world we live in...
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