Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

ya ive had my wii since it first came out like in november of 06' and its worked fine but then it hapened... I bought SSBB. i played it for a while and it broke my wii and wont play my other games... so now i have to send it in to nintendo. lucky me they are fixing them for free so i dont have anything to worry about but ya i cant belive that happend.
Yeah, they aren't charging for the SSBB fix. Good thing, too, since I just got mine back from Nintendo and the problem wasn't fixed. Same "can't read disk error" as before.
Hi, I just bought a Wii a couple weeks ago from a friend. (it's like new, he hardly played it.) It is now about a year or so old. He only had 3 games for it (including WiiSports) and really only dabbled with it for the first couple of weeks he owned it, really nothing saved to the hard drive or anything.

To get to the problem:
My Wii has been constantly freezing up whilst loading a game. Basically it sounds almost as if it can't read the disc inserted. Then the screen will go black, and an error message appears stating that an error has occured, and that I should remove the disc, and shut off the power, but when I go to do either thing, it does not respond. The game disc does NOT eject, nor when I push the power button does the system turn off. I have to unplug the system and replug it back in before I can do anything else.

This usually happens about 1-3 times on occasion. It does not happen everytime, but when it does, it usually happens at least 2 or 3 times before the game works.

Just wondering if anyone else has this problem, and if there's an easy way to fix it, or what I can do to prevent it from happening. Thanks!
This is the best well explained solution to the Wii Controler problem. Worked Great. Thanks!

TheWiggman said:
I'm going to repeat my post because it seems people are overlooking it (my controllers have unsynched themselves twice now but it's a nothing issue to resync):

1. Face the remote so that it is within range of the sensor bar (essential it seems - ensure it can be detected by the sensor bar)
2. Press the sync button on the controller. The lights will flash.
3. While the lights are flashing and the remote is pointing at the sensor bar, press the sync button on the console.

No dramas. It seems that when you press sync on the controller it awaits a signal from the console, so you have about a 10 second time window. The important bit is (it seems) to FACE IT AT THE SENSOR BAR as per normal gaming conditions.

My controllers will not sync if they are not facing the sensor bar at the time of synching. You do NOT need to hold the sync buttons down on the both the remote and the console at the same time.
I seriously think though this is just a firmware issue that will be solved soon enough. In the meantime, some of us are just going to have to persevere with the issue (which is little more than an annoyance, as it's not stopping me from using the system or playing games).
Batteries only lasting 15 hours, let alone 3? I've probably had around 20 hours of play time with both my remotes and they've not even moved off the 'battery full' meter when you press the home button (the battery levels are shown down the bottom). I've found that the be one of the more impressive aspects of the system, as 60 hours of use out of 2 AAs is exceptional in my opinion.
ineedhelp9 said:
My nintendo wii wont read any disk since i got ssbb do i have to send it in to get fixed?????
i got your PM about this. i don't know what country you live in to recommend nintendo's tech support #...

visit nintendo's site that you know of, get the tech support number, and they will give you great detailed information to quickly and safely get this repaired. :)

mij said:
hi everyone,last month weird sort of dotted lines suddenly appeared on screen,it is almost like some pixels have gone but this is not the case as it is a new tv and i have tried it on another tv aswell.i also thought it could be something interfering with the picture but i have turned all other electrics off and even tried it at the other end of the house,also these lines/pixels appear in certain places at certain times e.g on the wii menu screen it is always worst in the bottom left hand corner,therefore i know it is not a problem with the game.also on some virtual console games the picture goes black in places and the picture just doesnt display properly, im sure this is linked as i noticed both problems at the same time PLEASE HELP,thanks.

Snap mines just started to do exact same thing, looks like a overclocked GC but its not and wii is placed in a very cool spot too.

Anyone have any idear what the problem is?
Newby here, 1 month old console refuses to power up, no lights, nothing.
Not sure if power adapter or console is bad?
How can I check the adaptor with a volt meter?
Need step by step instructions...Thanks
if i hear a ratling inside my controller, is there any way to get the cover of without damaging it.
My Wii just keeps kicking out the discs, makes a weird noise (louder than usual) and then just spits them out without trying to load them up?

It sometimes doesn't even grab the disc?

Can anyone help??
dazza007 said:
My Wii just keeps kicking out the discs, makes a weird noise (louder than usual) and then just spits them out without trying to load them up?

It sometimes doesn't even grab the disc?

Can anyone help??
Are you putting the discs in the correct way (picture facing right)?
If this is happening with all your discs, then there is a problem with the Wii. Call Nintendo and they'll take it in for repair. They have an excellent reputation for customer service.
yes, disc going in right way.

Wii is out of warranty nearly 18 months old !!!

Does ony know thet repair costs?
My classic controller has been acting up lately. When playing Super Mario World, I can pick things up but I can't release. It just won't let me. Playing NES games, the A or B button doesn't work (can't remember). The problem seems like a button is constantly stuck? Anyone else having this problem? And the button isn't physically stuck.
kimsta said:
My classic controller has been acting up lately. When playing Super Mario World, I can pick things up but I can't release. It just won't let me. Playing NES games, the A or B button doesn't work (can't remember). The problem seems like a button is constantly stuck? Anyone else having this problem? And the button isn't physically stuck.

have you try with the other wiimote??? maybe is the port on the wiimote, or the classic controller. Either way find out which one is it and then take it to nintendo.

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