Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

I have also had problems with my wii in the past. I didn't feel like waiting forever to send it back so I did some research on the web and found a site called www.videogame911.com. They repaired my wii and really did a good job. I got my system back in the same week I sent it out and they gave me a warranty on the repair. I strongly recommend them.
i was playing guitar hero on my wii yesterday and mid playing it said problem error cant load disc and now it wont load any disc.. is the laser just dirty? please help
i have internet and i got a message about new update and pressed update and it said u have all latest updates
ok so guys, this is my second wii now.
the first one i got for christmas and i brought it back due to it not being able to load discs...

so now onto the second one.

this time my wiimote just wont work at all.

there is no blue lights when i click on it, and i already changed the batteries a million times.
this is so frustrating.
the lights did however flash for a couple seconds after put the batteries in.

anyone know what going on?

(note: this wii is JUST out of the box a half hour ago.)
Does anybody else but us have issues with their color while they are playing? IT will start out good then all of a sudden the color will get bad to the point where it hurts your eyes and you have to shut it down
My Wii Remote is working, but its not!

Hello all,
This is my first post and hopefully you will be able to help me. I got a Wii about a week ago, and has been working well through until Superbowl Sunday. Me and buddies tried to play Wii sports andTiger woods, and my #2 remote stopped working. It actually will work during set up, u can see the "glove" curser move and all buttons work, but when i get to playing the game the swing will not work. Hopefully after a week I do not have to buy brand new one. I have changed batteries and everything, re-sync it as well.

Please help, and thanks in advance.
Juice_eer said:
Hello all,
This is my first post and hopefully you will be able to help me. I got a Wii about a week ago, and has been working well through until Superbowl Sunday. Me and buddies tried to play Wii sports andTiger woods, and my #2 remote stopped working. It actually will work during set up, u can see the "glove" curser move and all buttons work, but when i get to playing the game the swing will not work. Hopefully after a week I do not have to buy brand new one. I have changed batteries and everything, re-sync it as well.

Please help, and thanks in advance.

I have that same problem too sometimes, no idea why it does that and have yet to figure out how to get it to stop
does not turn on

the wii simply won't turn on any more - no lights on, nothing. Has anyone experienced this?
rftravers said:
the wii simply won't turn on any more - no lights on, nothing. Has anyone experienced this?
Make sure all of the cables are plugged in completely and correctly (on the Wii and power outlet). If they are, then contact Nintendo and they will send you a replacement. They have excellent customer service.
okay... so I've had my Wii since launch day, December 06 and not had any problems!! Today, I turn my Wii on and it hangs when it gets to the channel menu. The whole lot just stops dead, all animations of the channels etc etc.

It would appear to me that the issue is related to wii mail. I've had an e-mail sitting there for just over a week, but since I knew what the mail was I decided not to bother with it until I have the time to play GH III. Once it gets to the channel menu, it's fine until the blue light flashes to indicate mail. It even got to the point where the wiimote vibrates. I've left it for numerous minutes to see if it eventually kicks back into life, I've powered it off for well over 20 minutes (with the power supply disconnected). I've removed my SD card, GH III disc, I've even refrained from connecting a wii mote to see if that makes a difference.

Has anyone experienced this? Does anyone have any ideas, besides calling Nintendo?
Wii doesn't turn on

My wii doesn't turn on. It has been off (unplugged) for the last three days and today I turn it back on and it doesn't work. The light doesn't come on either. I'm thinking it might be the battery or ac adapter, but im not sure. Any suggestions?
In Australia, Nintendo service sucks!!

I am currently on hold with Vic Consumer Affairs (God help me!!)

Nintendo's head office is in Vic by the way.

My Nintendo WII would not turn on so I went through the trouble shooting on their website.
I then tested my power adapter in a friend's wii and it would not turn on.
I then tested his power adapter in my wii and it did turn on.

So it is the power adapter at fault.

I then called Nintendo's warranty line and asked for any extra trouble shooting advice (they had none, just confirmed what I had already done) and warranty information (what to send in, what details of mine, what address, etc).

I followed her instructions and sent it in.

Now I am told that there is no fault.
With these power adapters you sometimes need to unplug them from the wall for a period (such as 1 hour) then re-plug them back in.

I asked why this was not on the website for trouble shooting or why the person on the phone didn't suggest it.

No idea why - but I have to pay a fee.

I am now refusing. Nintendo will not let me escalate further and will not lodge a complaint. I pay or they destroy the power adapter and move on.

PLUS the woman said I was lying about not being told about the possibility of a fee if it is not a warranty issue. I told her I recall the conversation and I was not told - plus I always refuse those fees (And once spent 2 hours in a Telstra store while the customer rep found a repair agent who would not make me sign a piece of paper saying I would pay).

Keep in mind - I always perform as much trouble shooting as I know how or the company will tell me before sending an appliance in for warranty. But I will not pay a fee if there is a warranty.

Unusual Problem

My wii recently stopped working. When I turn it on it just stays at the warning-safety screen. It doesn't ever say press a to continue. I can turn it off and on with my wiimote and with the console. I have tried to unplug the power and wait, still nothing. If anyone has any info I would appreciate it alot.
hi everyone,last month weird sort of dotted lines suddenly appeared on screen,it is almost like some pixels have gone but this is not the case as it is a new tv and i have tried it on another tv aswell.i also thought it could be something interfering with the picture but i have turned all other electrics off and even tried it at the other end of the house,also these lines/pixels appear in certain places at certain times e.g on the wii menu screen it is always worst in the bottom left hand corner,therefore i know it is not a problem with the game.also on some virtual console games the picture goes black in places and the picture just doesnt display properly, im sure this is linked as i noticed both problems at the same time PLEASE HELP,thanks.
Hi, New to the forum, and I'm not a techie, so I would appreciate some help. My daughter got a wii for Christmas and she played wii sports constantly. All of a sudden, none of the games on wii sports allow the mii to swing. i.e. in Bowling, the ball pretty much just drops and slowly rolls down the lane. In golf, tennis and baseball, the mii doesn't swing the bat, club or racquet. It seems like it would be a sensor problem, but another game she has, AMF bowling, works fine as do other games we rented. Can you give me any suggestions as to why this is happening and if there is anything we can do to fix it?

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