Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

daviduk200 said:
My wiis defectivness keeps increasing slowly but surely. (mostly on internet0
I'd have that fixed. :)

daviduk200 said:
its worrying, but i have to get on with it until my wii goes into total failure,
Why are you waiting? Modern electronics are built using a compilation of various hardware sources to create the final product, which means generally when there is a problem on average only 90% is still in good working order (unless a single component manages to toast others in a string).

Don't wait, fix it now if it's under warranty.

daviduk200 said:
but can anyboy tell me a number to phone nintend UK
Go to the Nintendo website and check out the "Customer Service" section, and read carefully, there is a series of questions before you reach the phone number. Also, it should be located in your manual. :)
HELP!! I bought my Wii off ebay, being assured that even though the system is located in Japan or China somewhere, it will definitely play in English. Some of the discs play in English, the Wii main menu is in Japanese or Chinese (dunno, can't tell the difference??) Does anybody know if there is anyway I can change it to English?? (I have formatted - didn't work. I have also tried going to the 'Country' setting - but it isn't there!)
devious81 said:
HELP!! I bought my Wii off ebay, being assured that even though the system is located in Japan or China somewhere, it will definitely play in English. Some of the discs play in English, the Wii main menu is in Japanese or Chinese (dunno, can't tell the difference??) Does anybody know if there is anyway I can change it to English?? (I have formatted - didn't work. I have also tried going to the 'Country' setting - but it isn't there!)
Oh man, I've heard this story before. Far as I know there is nothing you can do about it, however hope that I am wrong and keep looking. Maybe someone has a potential solution to this.

As far as playing English titles, it sounds like it's got a mod-chip in there because the Chinese and Japanese regions are not supposed to be compatible with that of the U.S. To my understand the whole reason Nintendo went with region locks is because of the different TV formats. I would check into this.
I haven't read through everything, but I noticed that a couple people seem to have the same problem:


This is a bad picture, but the best I can get for the time being. The only thing to pay attention to is the two lines above Mii Channel and Photo Channel. The whole screen does that. It is almost the fuzzy static that televisions get but in little lines. I have tried different different cables (both composite and s-video), tried different ports (my Sony Wega has at least 3 different composite ports - video1, video2, video3) and different televisions, and keep getting the same thing.

I have owned the unit since April, but it seems like it just recently started doing that. I took a couple week hiatus from it only to find that my cats chewed through the sensor bar cord (since it was long enough to reach the ground). I bought the Nyko wireless sensor bar and it seems to work fine with the wiimotes. I bought a different composite cable in case my cats got to that also, but that cable does the same thing (and I keep that cable out of reach of my cats).

As a second problem, since I first played my Wii, I always seem to get intermittent internet connection. I have been able to download about 12 virtual console things, so it does work sometimes. I was setting an IP address through the Wii to the router (along with using WEP). Apparently the Wii or the router didn't like that. Now I have the router setting an IP address to the Wii using MAC recognition and MAC filters (along with using WEP). That must have fixed my internet problems. Now I seem to have good internet connection. My computers and my printer seem to also play well that way (the wireless connections actually seem to find the router faster now).

I am assuming I should contact Nintendo about this problem as I still fall under warranty (and I did register my Wii through Nintendo also). But I did buy it from Bestbuy and got their two year replacement plan (figured why not). So should I still go through Nintendo, or try going through Bestbuy?
bdavis96 said:
I am assuming I should contact Nintendo about this problem as I still fall under warranty (and I did register my Wii through Nintendo also). But I did buy it from Bestbuy and got their two year replacement plan (figured why not). So should I still go through Nintendo, or try going through Bestbuy?
I am going to make this REAL simple for ya, you go through Best Buy, you can kiss those VC games good bye.

Call Nintendo. If you and I did not purchase stuff with our Wii point cards then they could of shipped us a replacement console, and sent our old one back. We could have also simply exchanged it as well. Now the only option is to call Nintendo, await the UPS label (US), and buy yourself the proper shipping package.

Yes, I have already been through it, and aside from having to provide your own box (they DO NOT RECOMMEND the original box to ship in) the process is relatively painless. Just be warned that while Nintendo provides excellent UPS tracking to and from there repair shop, there updating of warranty repair information when at there repair facility is VERY sluggish. Nearly 3.5 days of "Due In" status after it had arrived, and the day after that it was on it's way home already.

I will provide more details on my experience to those who request it via private message, likewise just remember that the process is near seamless. Just call Nintendo and deal with about a 2 to 3 week wait. It's worth it.

Mine will be home this coming Monday with a brand new optical drive. :)
I just got my wii on thursday & have to take it back to Nintendo cos the disck drive dont work! Any one else had this problem?
I had the "Vertical Lines Of Static" ... Nintendo insisted this was normal and I had to fight to get my system repaired. They finally gave in and offered me a refurb or have mine fixed. I choose to have mine fixed. They sent me a pre paid label and it sat around in my apt for a month but I finally found time to ship it out and they received it the other day and updated my info already saying it will ship back to me within 5 days! Excellent service so far... I just hope they don['t put a d2c chip in my wii...
Blah, they sent me a refurb back when I specifically said I wanted mine fixed and sent back....
Exact same problem here!
Bought wii two days ago. I did upgrade via WiFi from 2.1E(?) to 3.1E(?) though.
After upgrade unit continued to work fine that same evening. Only after turning it off, the next day it won't present wii screen anymore. Only black screen, but TV sees that signal as (black) input though and therefore doesn't switch to stand-by! Also Wii's Power LED does turn on and CD swallows and spins disks as it should...
After trying replugging power- and different video-cabling & TV set without any change, can still I fix this myself in a different way. E.g. by resetting to the factory defaults?

zx3chris said:
Plugged in Wii last night (after waiting 8 hrs in NYC cold). worked great, logged into my wireless access point and updated the firmware twice. played for a few hours. Turned the device off (went to standby, orange LED). Today, it stayed in standby mode and i could not recover from it. I turned off the power by holding down the power switch and LED went red. Hitting it again, it turned green, the screen shows absolutely nothing.

I've tried different inputs and 2 other TVs - the Wii turns on, DVD drive spins up, but the screen is completely black -

does anyone else have a similiar issue? There are no error codes reported;

Problems with SD cards

My Wii works fine in all other ways but no matter what SD card I try (tried 5 so far including a brand new Sandisk 1GB Wii branded one) the console tells me that the card can't be read. The cards work fine in my digital camera so no problem there.
Anyone have any ideas?
Hi, I just turned on my Wii to play the last part of Zelda again and I noticed miscolored pixels in the form of lines appearing on the screen whenever the game causes the TV to flicker(ie rain).

So I'm playing Zelda and the problem seems to get worse the longer I keep playing. About 15-20 minutes in I was at the Gandorf fight and there were alot of miscolored pixel lines on the screen and it got really annoying.

I tried switching the video input but I got the same problem so it wasn't that. I switched TV's, same problem.

What's the problem WiiChat, AV cables? My Wii? I'm kinda figuring its the AV cables but some opinions would be great


I'm having trouble with my classic controller. It worked fine for months, but today it seemed to have created it's own button mapping issue. Here is what I've been able to discern:

1. The issue is essentially that the start button (+ button) has stopped working. I initially found out about the problem during Zelda:a link to the past as I couldn't pull up my inventory.
2. I've found that it is not physically a problem with the button as it responds is some instances just not during games (i.e. in the operations guide menu the button serves to route the menus backwards and make a satisfying beep in the main menu)
3. I tested the controller in punch out! and the start button did not work as the upper cut. However once I got a star in the game, the A button served to perform an uppercut before resuming it's duty as right hand punches. I found a similar correlation between the A button and start button in F-Zero X.

So, any clue what the problem is anybody? It's really annoying and pretty much prevents me from playing VC games for the time being.

Also, i tried switching wiimotes around, reseting VC software, reseting the wii, reconnecting the wiimotes.
Hi guys,

Im new to this forum but have had a Wii since July. However up until about 3 weeks ago everything was fine, until now. I've noticed some weird going ons with my Wii. I came home one day to find the CD loader light (blue) was on but the Wii was in standby. Not thinking much of it i turned the wii off at main. A week or so later it happened again - it just randomly comes on, although both times there was a CD left in the console. But now, ive been playing on a game and the cd loader light stayed on, but seemed to pulsate very slowly, getting dimmer (but still visible) and brighter. I turned the console off and on again and it has stayed off as it should.

Anyone else had this problem?


I dont think thats a problem. That usually happens when you get messages on your message board. You can go to Wii Settings -> WiiConnect24 -> Slot Illumination -> Off if you dont wanna see the blue light

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