Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

Hi, I'm new to these forums! OK, here's my problem.

I just recently discovered a wierd "flaw" in my wii. Whenevr I play a wii game, there are these strange "pixelated" lines going down the tv screen whenever I go to a place that is really bright on all my games. (For example, I go near fire in Twilight Princess and the lines show). I know for sure that it isn't my TV since it does the same thing on multiple tv's. I tried blowing on the connection cords and cleaning my my game discs (even though it does it when I play on any of my games). Those little lines really bother me when they appear suddenly when I enter some sort of bright area in a game... Everything else works perfectly though. The thing is...this just started happening right after the new wii update... >.>

Do any of you know what the problem is? Should I contact Nintendo and maybe try and send it in for repairs? I don't want to see streaks of blurry lines when playing SSBB or Mario Galaxy. It's just so annoying... :p

Please help someone..
csaicheng said:
Hello all,

Was wondering if anyone else has experienced this before. I got the wii about a month ago and everything was fine up till now. The wiimote that came with my system is acting funny. I was playing wii sports as usual yesterday when it told me that my batteries were low. I had a second wiimote so I took the batteries out of that one and put them into the one I was using (yes, I realize now that I could have just used the other controller) it indicated that it had two bars of power left. I thought that should last me about a couple hours at least. After about 15 mins i get the warning that the batteries are low again. Now I knew something was wrong so I took the batteries out of the one I was using and put them back into the one I took them from (I apologize if I confused anyone) now the batteries in my second controller is indicating the it had all 4 bars. I swapped them several times and ended up with the same result. My original wiimote says the batteries are dead but my other wiimote says the batteries are fine.

Has anyone gone through this before. Would appreciate any help.


Like all problems, resort to hardware troubleshooting first then call Nintendo!

(If they won't replace the Wii-mote...)
Like most common battery operated devices, they are installed by means of spring compression. I would suggest starting there and inspect the tabs and spring coil connectors for damage, along with possible corrosion. Chances are delicate cleaning and/or "re-stretching" may resolve this issue if it's simply a bad connection. (Note: Weak connections and corrosion between the circuit can create resistance that in turn lowers the overall power output.)
I have a Wii remote issue and I haven't had any luck finding a solution, any help would be great. Just bought Wii today and played Wii Sports about three hours when remote stopped swinging on bowling, baseball, tennis, etc. Other buttons work fine, and tried resyncing several times. Batteries are good, any suggestions?
*sigh* So many problems reported here. It doesn't exactly fill me with confidence!!!

Ok, so at the end of July I bought a brand new Wii, it had a couple of days use and then sat idle due to a family holiday. On our return it worked for a couple more days and then it locked up. Both remotes showed all the blue lights and no longer would they communicate with the console. Despite numerous efforts they wouldn't resync and we were unable to use it at all. We took the whole lot back and exchanged it for a new one.

We have been using the new console for about four weeks. Now all of a sudden the second remote isn't working properly. It will control the menus and there is SOME movement of the cursor in the games but not full control. For example: It is not possible to select a game in Super Monkeyball because it wont show any sideways movement. In the hoop game it is possible to move the arrow from side to side but not to lock it down and throw the hoops!!! I have tried several Duracell batteries to no avail and the sensor is fine, I have done the led test. I am now looking to find the receipt to take the spare remote back.

It isn't connected to the internet. It just plays games....sometimes.

At this point I feel inclined to package up the console, spare remote, all three games and charger and send the whole lot back for a full refund as I really do not want to be dealing with a new problem, on average, every three weeks for something I have spent three hundred pounds on!!!

Is there an issue with reliabilty generally does anyone know? Also any thoughts as to what the problem with the remote might be appreciated
One of my wiimotes has developed a problem wiuth the rumble. It is very soft, and the wiimote rattles now. My other wiimote rumbles much stronger. I replaced the bateries to no avail. I haven't dropped it or anything to damage it....anyone else have an issue with this?
Ok so when i turn on my wii and am at the wii menu it has a buzzing noise, But when i go to a channel or something it isnt that loud. please help me :)
After i did the latest update nothing would work,,, LoZ TP came as an error, no channels worked, but it fixed itself after i turned it off for a bit lol:wink:
A new problem ?

Ok don't know if this has ever come up but in my browsing of the site i didn't see it.

So here it goes. I've tried this a few times in different scenarios, but i will be playing a game where it doesn't matter what i am doing but the Wii will just reboot. I'll be playing a game, the screen goes black and begins to reload the game like i just turned it on. This has also happened while being in the channels like news and weather.

My firmware is as up to date as it will get. My case is modded to Crystal LED Blue. The problem started to occur recently.

Any thoughts out there ?
For any electronic device that has a fan, make sure the fan isn't blocked, or near anything that can generate/retain heat. Every month or two the fan port should be dusted carefully, every year the fan itself should be cleaned. Most electronics are very durable, so it's easy to forget about heat & dust damage.
Component Video Issues

I've had my wii hooked up to my dell 2407 wfp-hc via component video for a week or two now with the madcatz 3rd party cable. 480p rules

I came home yesterday and turned on my wii to discover that the entire image was blurry (all straight lines have turned into wavy S-shapes traveling up the screen, very annoying). Changing to 480i over component did not solve the problem. I switched to composite, and the image was fine (other than being 480i...) After learning that the madcatz cables lack shielding, I made sure to isolate the cables from all others - still the same problem persisted.

I'm currently unable to isolate the problem to the cable, monitor, or wii as I have no other device that accepts component input, no other device that produces component output, and no other component cable for my wii.

Just wondering if others have experienced this issue - I will likely post pics later tonight.

(UPDATE 9/12/2007 - I have isolated my problem to the monitor. For some reason the component input seems to have gone bad although nothing else is affected. I'm running my Wii on S-video until I get a warranty replacement :( S-video is no 480p, but it's better than composite)
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Posted elsewhere, but...

I've got a buzzing noise whenever the Wii is accessing the disc. I haven't tried with a GameCube disc as I don't have one.

When I put the disc in, I can hear the sound almost immediately. It doesn't start as a buzz, but it is clear that the issue is related to the drive--sounds like something is out of balance. It hasn't affected gameplay, nor has it damaged any discs thus far. The sound is just really, really, really annoying.

Anyone else experience something like this? What did you do? I'd rather not send off my one-week-old Wii and have it be gone for half a month, if at all possible.
Just a few questions:

Since June I've had 2 Nintendo Wii systems and I was wondering if this was a common occurence in all systems:

1. Both Wii's have left streaks on the discs after taking them out of the system. Has anyone else had this happen? It was really bad when I first got both systems, but it's not as bad as before.

2. My current Wii will on occasion make a clicking sound when a disc is in and comes up with an error message asking me to remove the disc and turn off the console. Has anyone else had this happen and if so should I return this system as well?

I bought the EB Games extended warranty so I'm cool as far as getting a new system if needed, but I just thought I'd ask around before I have to lug ANOTHER system back to the store.

If someone could shed some light on my concerns it would be appreciated.

devitek said:
I've got a buzzing noise whenever the Wii is accessing the disc. I haven't tried with a GameCube disc as I don't have one.
WATCH THIS CLOSELY! Seems Nintendo is aware that they've shipped a handful of consoles with bad drives, however details on this is vague. Once I told technical support of my increasing "Disc Read Errors" and told them that the Wii was buzzing/Vibrating he immediately said, "Yes, your system definitely is going to have to be serviced." Since your system is only 2 weeks old just keep a close eye on it and BE SURE TO REGISTER IT! You may be having to ship it in a box soon. :)

sj0076 said:
1. Both Wii's have left streaks on the discs after taking them out of the system. Has anyone else had this happen? It was really bad when I first got both systems, but it's not as bad as before.

2. My current Wii will on occasion make a clicking sound when a disc is in and comes up with an error message asking me to remove the disc and turn off the console. Has anyone else had this happen and if so should I return this system as well?
Sounds a lot like my problem, except the Wii is not marking the discs. You should definitely contact Nintendo and get that dude repaired before your warranty is up, to reduce risk of having to replace it or be serviced out of your pocket instead.

Good luck guys, don't be afraid to call Nintendo, they're extremely helpful and willing to work with you. They cover all the shipping costs minus the packaging to ship it to them (if you have downloaded content to your Wii) and have other service options as well.
I sent an email to Nintendo two days ago and haven't heard anything yet. I did register the product already, so that's good. Thanks for the info on this; I'll keep updating as things progress. Feels like it's just a matter of time before my Wii and I part for a few weeks...
My wiis defectivness keeps increasing slowly but surely. (mostly on internet0

iv had to herd reset my wii on increasing incidents.

its worrying, but i have to get on with it until my wii goes into total failure,

but can anyboy tell me a number to phone nintend UK

also when your wii wont turn of and its crashed unpluc mains and plug back in works, its the only way, no need to worry though it happens to almost everyone., (but or me its happening more and more

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