Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

I just got my wii today and have noticed a problem while playing Zelda. I think it may of done it on the wii menu as well, but since zelda is what I'm playing the majority of the time it is what I notice it on. Anyway, the problem is that randomly every couple second the video gets kinda jittery. It looks almost like I'm watching tv with some old rabbit ears. It's not extreme to the point where it goes to static, but it definitely is noticable. I double checked all the connections and it's still doing it. any ideas?
i noticed, while playing Zelda, a small sound coming from the lens (i guess it come from there), yes i can hear the lens moving when it loads stuff (when i change maps mostly, or when i get in or out of a house), but sometimes i hear like a plastic sound from the lens, like it hits something, not hard for moderate, i can hear it from where i sit down...i wonder if it's normal or not.

it doesn't do that when i play Wii Sports, so...i wonder if it's normal or not.
so i guess i have a good chance i'll replace my Wii somewhere during the 1-year warranty, hoping they will have different colors available soon :D
anyone else having this problem, Wii remote works just fine, i play wii sports and go to the mii channel etc. Then I decide to play zelda, bam! Wii remote doesnt work and just flashes all 4 leds in the controller and now it just wont work anymore. so now im just trying to unplug it and wait for 10min check. Anyone else having this problem? This is the second time it has happend, the first it just suddenly worked again so i have no idea whats up now???
if you keep on having problems with it, i'm sure it's still on the store warranty, so return it and get a new one, be sure to keep your datas/saves on a SD Card before though...
Oh No! My Wii is dead :(

It will turn on but niether of my Wiimotes will sync with it nor will it output any video. I have tried multiple video jacks on diferent devices and also tried a different power plug. The fan on the back does not spin, though I can not say I saw it spin when it was working. I dunno.

Worked fine yesterday night.

Now to start the journey of calling Nintendo.

Wish me luck.

From: [My Email]
Topic: Wii
Details: System - Operation/Troubleshooting/Set Up
Email Body: [My Email]
System - Operation/Troubleshooting/Set Up
Hello, My name is Bobby1211. I am a very happy Wii owner. I have lovingly named my blue slotted friend Digii. That said I am saddened to report that when I went to play an exciting game of Legend Of Zelda (NES, purchased at the very fair price of US $5) tonight and went to turn the Wii on, It would not output to my TV. The system turns on, the light goes from red to green but not video/audio is sent. The TV doesnt see a signal. I tried another input on a VCR with the same result. I even went as far as to try a different power outlet. No luck. I have two Wii Remotes and neither of them will sync with Digii. What is my best route for further troubleshooting? Im so worried about Digii. I miss playing him so. Thank you, Bobby1211

Thank you for your email. Your message has been forwarded to a Nintendo of America
Customer Service Representative. Due to the unprecedented popularity of the Wii, we're
currently experiencing extremely high email volumes and it may take upwards of 4 or 5
days before we are able to respond. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and
will respond to your email as soon as possible.

Ill be calling them tomarrow.

UPDATE: http://www.wiichat.com/nintendo-wii-hardware/7864-digii-coma.html (Started own thread)

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Utonium. said:
with the wiimotes.
i had the same problem... at first.
are you guys pressing the synch button on BOTH the wiimote AND wii at the same time?

thats what i did and they worked.

I am having the problem with one of my controllers it will work, but it can never be first player. Where is the sync button on the wii?
i just had the problem, yesterday, about the "Wii not detecting the Wiimote", i had to turn it off, unplug the power supply for like 5 seconds and plug it back and power it on and it worked. maybe it's because i switched from normal batteries to rechargeable batteries?
I figured it out, i just to press the sync button on the wii at teh same time while the wii was on.
My system did a similar thing, where going into the Mii channel immediately unsynced my controller. I was stressing out a bit because for the life of me the damn thing would not sync. To get it to work properly I:
1. Faced the remote so that it was within range of the sensor bar (essential it seems - ensure it can be detected by the sensor bar)
2. Pressed the sync button on the controller. The lights will flash.
3. While the lights were flashing and the remote is pointing at the sensor bar, pressed the sync button on the console.

No dramas. It seems that when you press sync on the controller it awaits a signal from the console, so you have about a 10 second time window. The important bit is (it seems) to FACE IT AT THE SENSOR BAR as per normal gaming conditions.

I also got a black screen at one stage when I turned the system on, and I couldn't turn the system off nor could I do anything with it. I found that manually unplugging the power cord and re-plugging it solved the problem. These are the problems we face with updatable firmware...

On the internet issue ("Cannot connect...") I have a wireless modem using WEP security, which works fine for the DS. I have 4 WEP keys for security, so I chose a different key from the DS for the Wii. Initially, everything would detect and operate fine but it wouldn't connect to the internet. So, I used the DS WEP key and all of the sudden everything worked without a hitch (including the 1.5 hour firmware update - ARGH! I just wanted to play). I'm using a bottom-of-the-line Billion 7300G with the latest firmware installed on it. I suppose my advice to you if you're having connection trouble is:
1. Update your modem firmware and verify its connection on your computer (ie. make sure the internet is actually working. May seem daft but you never know)
2. Turn off all your wireless security settings for the time being. That's ALL wireless security at the momem.
3. Make sure you're using WEP
4. Check that it works on the Wii. If you still get no love then it's probably the console at fault.

I hope that helps some people.
ok up until now, here are the "small" problems i had with my Wii, they only happen very rarely:

1- lens doing clicking noises like if it wanted to go further than where it's supposed to go inside the system.
2- Wiimote unable to sync itself to the system (shutting down the Wii, unplug, after 10 seconds replugging it, and it worked fine)
3- While letting 4 computers playing tennis in Wii Sports, after 30 minutes i came back and it had a black screen with "an error has occured" saying to eject the disc, shutting down the system and turning it on again.

so i guess i will continue listing stuff for when i'll change my Wii during the 1-year warranty, so i'll get a better "version" of it without those annoying randomly-happening things.
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Thank you RaptorZX3, That is a great idea. A trouble log. Write down date, time, and waht was happening each time there is an issue. When Nintendo asks what the problem is... they will get an ear full!

I have this problem: When i try to enter in any channel (Mii Channel or Photo Channel for example) the screen turns black (while it loads the channel) and never shows the channel! The Wiimote stop working too... if i mash the buttons, the 3 lights blinks and nothing happens until i reset the console all over again. This issue happened 3 times in my console and i'm very worried about it... Anyone can solve this case? I hope its just a wiimote's contact lost while in the load screen... (sorry for my poor english)

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