Faulty Wii? Hardware issues?

I was hoping that my Wii problems was just related to the Wii Sports disc itself and not the console...but that is quickly becoming not the case.

I got my Wii on Sunday and right off the bat had problems with Wii Sports....I had to do the "Disc Shuffle" and eject it and reinsert it on average 5 to 6 times to get it to work. Altho I had no issues with Zelda or Red Steel.

So yesterday I get home from work to play some Zelda and now the other two games are starting to do the same thing....I'm having to do the shuffle on both Zelda and Red Steel and now it's even worse cause in addition to getting the "Cannot read disc" message on the Wii Disc channel i'm getting a black screen with white text that reads "There is a disc problem. Please eject the disc and reset your console." And that's on the Wii Menu itself.

Now my question is..when I call NOA support thats listed on the box and website I get a message saying "Due to local conditions we are currently closed...etc etc.." But I'm calling during their business hours, are they just slammed with calls or is there another number?

Also has anyone here sent back their Wiis yet? obviously i can't take this thing back to Best Buy cause they will just laugh and say see you in Feb. But does Nintendo Drop Ship a replacement or am I going to be without a console for a week after I camped out overnite to get one?
Background music cracked

My Wii is fine, for the channel, sport and red steel at least, but I have a problem with the background music with zelda, all I hear is cracked sound, like static, but when playing the video, its fine, I am guessing its the problem of the midi, hope its not an hardware problem.
oh no....don't tell me the Zelda musics are still MIDIs?!? :mad:
Daedulus131 said:
I suppose I should mention it, as Nintendo says I'm the only one they've heard of.
I got my Wii Sunday without a problem (I work at a Toys R Us), got it home once I got off work. Played Wii Sports and Rayman for a while, with some occasional lockups on load screens in Rayman. I figured it was the usual launch system stutters, and made do.
Then I tried Red Steel, which locked up on the Ubisoft intro movie, about five seconds in. And Zelda locked up on the "Secure the wrist strap" screen before it even got into the game.
Nintendo had never heard anything like it, and sent me a new one. Should be here soon.

I've had the same problems with Zelda on the "Secure Wrist Strap" screen. It stalls and then the screens turn black with white text saying something along these lines "Eject the disc, and power off the system."

I've had this problem with Zelda at least 3 times. Wii Sports 2 times. Zelda hasn't done it for a little while. Wii Sports I haven't played since getting Zelda :yesnod:

Needless to say it is very annoying when it does happen.

Should I contact Nintendo?
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or maybe it's a firmware problem?

Nintendo should have a feedbacks email so we can send them those problems that can maybe fixed with a firmware update.

oh, by the way, if you have trouble with your Wii detecting your wireless router but fails at testing the connection, try configuring your router and, somewhere in the config., uncheck the "automatic" in the wireless channel, and select a channel manually, because the wireless router, while in "automatic mode" for the channels, can randomly change channels.

so set your channel in manual-mode instead of automatic, and choose a channel (i took channel 2 for mine)
i dont know if this is an issue; but when you insert a game into the Wii, is it suppose to light up blue for a second or two? Before when i insert the games it would but now it doesnt?
donaldinc said:
i dont know if this is an issue; but when you insert a game into the Wii, is it suppose to light up blue for a second or two? Before when i insert the games it would but now it doesnt?

maybe the blue LEDs died?
i see it blinking here and there...but cant die this early i just got the thing? How does yours work? Does it light up entirely everytime you insert a disc?
it lights up for a fraction of second when you turn on the system, and it will light up while in a game or while you're in the Wii menu when you receive messages from other Wii users or registered email to your Wiimail.

if the light is on and you get in a game, the light will go off, but it'll stay on if you receive the message while in a game, until you come back to Wii menu.
My wii has worked amazingly since i got one on launch day, When i first started it up, it wouldnt load wii sports right away, it said the disc may be dirty or damaged. That was only one time. Since then not a thing has gone wrong whatsoever, except that I cant get a perfect game on Bowling, thats gotta be a system issue. haha.
My blue light in the dvd tray only lights up for like maybe 1 second when turning on my Wii , its doesnt light up when your playing a game , im not hooked up to the internet yet with it , but is this normal to only see that come on dureing boot up for like a second and not seeing it during gameplay or anything else ?
Thalkor said:
My blue light in the dvd tray only lights up for like maybe 1 second when turning on my Wii , its doesnt light up when your playing a game , im not hooked up to the internet yet with it , but is this normal to only see that come on dureing boot up for like a second and not seeing it during gameplay or anything else ?

Yes this is normal. It will light up when you receive a message too.
Try having all lights closed and when you receive a message, watch in awe the lights going brighter and less and more. So cool!

On topic, I have the same problem for the wiimotes but only one of them (4)

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