FarCry controls


WiiChat Member
Dec 16, 2006
Albany, NY
Wii Online Code
Just wanted to see if anyone else was having issues with the controls in FarCry. Whenever you go to the edge of the screen, it goes crazy and moves in whatever direction it feels like. I also keep finding myself getting stuck looking down. It would be great if moving off the edge of the screen made you look quickly in that direction. Thats how they did it in CoD3 and it works great. I am the first to claim Ubisoft is one of the best game makers out there, but between this and Redsteel, I am starting to wonder.
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Moten said:
Just wanted to see if anyone else was having issues with the controls in FarCry. Whenever you go to the edge of the screen, it goes crazy and moves in whatever direction it feels like. I also keep finding myself getting stuck looking down. It would be great if moving off the edge of the screen made you look quickly in that direction. Thats how they did it in CoD3 and it works great. I am the first to clain Ubisoft is one of the best game makers out there, but between this and Redsteel, I am starting to wonder.

The controls are awesome, and when you go offscreen it just doesn't do anything until you bring it back on screen. Maybe you should stop smoking pot while you play?

And COD was probably thee worst title ubisoft brought out.
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Mine totally jumps around when I move it off the screen. Maybe if I were smoking pot while I played it wouldn't be so annoying. After playing for a few days now I have gotten used to it, but it still would be way better if you could quickly turn around by moving slightly off the screen.

Oh and, CoD is Activision, not Ubisoft.
And the controls are way more intuitive. I already said, I basicly hate the CoD line, but this one is loads of fun on the Wii.
I think Ubisoft is aware of this issue, now I don't know if this is an Wii issue or a game issue (probably game) and the numbnut programmer probably doesn't know what he is doing...However the Wii is new, and everyone starts somewhere, I'm sure eventually Ubisoft as well as other companies will figure out how to avoid this.

Now that makes me wonder, for those who have Elebits, does the controls go all crazy when you go off screen? If it doesn't than Ubisoft needs to hire some new programmers.
Moten said:
I am the first to claim Ubisoft is one of the best game makers out there, but between this and Redsteel, I am starting to wonder.
you kidding? Rayman is the ONLY game Ubisoft has made for Wii that isn't a total piece of crap. Also the only game that has a better rating than 5 out of 10
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Wii-bert said:
you kidding? Rayman is the ONLY game Ubisoft has made for Wii that isn't a total piece of crap. Also the only game that has a better rating than 5 out of 10

I was saying that pre-Wii Ubisoft was one of my fav developers. I am still hanging in there with them.

Unless they mess up Blazing Angels. If they do that, I boycott. WWII flight sim on the Wii has a chance to be great. Since it was origionally supposed to be a released at launch, and now its held off till Q1 2007, I am hoping it will be sweet.
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vagrant said:
You pick the one thread I wasn't being a dick in to post that?


That is funny. This thread is about the most toned down I've heard ya yet.

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