RE4 Crashing on me... sort of


WiiChat Member
Jul 16, 2007
Hi Guys,
Just picked up RE4 this weekend and am having some major problems. In two separate areas of the game the directional control gets stuck so my guy just goes in that direction until he's killed.

The first area was right after the first merchant on the bridges. When I went into the house that has the first half of the medallion on top of it it happened around 5 times in a row I was eventually able to make it out but I got killed every time it happened.

The second area is where I'm stuck now because of the problem. I just started looking for the key to the church and it started happening right by the first shack in the marsh (right after you escape from the second boulder) and it's the exact same thing the guy gets stuck going in one direction (it can be any direction by the way) until he's killed.

It's never happened anywhere else other than these two areas and has happened multiple times in both. So far here's what I've tried to fix it.

Tried 2 controllers and 2 nunckucks
rebooted, powered off, etc.
saved in 2 or 3 different save slots
exchanged the game for a new one and it is still happening

I'm wondering if the save area in my system is corrupt, if so is there a way to wipe out all of the RE4 info without messing up my other games?

I'm not even sure this is a RE4 issue so I'm hoping someone knows what's going on. Any help would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Only happens to me when the infared signal gets cut up by another screen ie my laptop.
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Marc said:
Only happens to me when the infared signal gets cut up by another screen ie my laptop.

Never even thought of that! I had my laptop next to me watching my fantasy baseball scores the just about the entire time (can't remember if it was on or off when I made it through the first problem area). Is it just the screen or do you have IR turned on on your laptop? Still funny how it only happened in 2 specific areas so far but I'll test that tonight.
mtbjoe said:
Never even thought of that! I had my laptop next to me watching my fantasy baseball scores the just about the entire time (can't remember if it was on or off when I made it through the first problem area). Is it just the screen or do you have IR turned on on your laptop? Still funny how it only happened in 2 specific areas so far but I'll test that tonight.
Its on at the time, I usually end up moving it away!
Try unplugging the nunchuck then plug it back in, but don't turn the system off/on again.
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Thanks, I'll give these a try and let you know how it goes.
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Well I tried again last night and was playing fine for a while, killed the first wave of bad guys and decided to go back and save in case the problem came back and after that of course it started doing it again in the exact same place. No laptop around, unplugging and replugging the chuck didn't help either.

Only other thing I can think of is maybe sitting a little closer to the TV, I think I'm pretty close to the recommended limit even though I've never had a problem before and if anyone has any other ideas I'd really appreciate hearing them.
Happened to me once in the castle when Lyon either kept running in one direction or spinning. Replaced wiimote batteries and everything returned to normal.
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billywilly said:
Happened to me once in the castle when Lyon either kept running in one direction or spinning. Replaced wiimote batteries and everything returned to normal.

Funny you should mention that, even though I changed the batteries in both wiimotes only a month or so ago I just checked them a couple hours ago and they were both in red :crazy: I haven't changed or tested it out since then but I have a feeling I may be very embarrassed if that was the entire problem...

Don't worry I'll live up to it and post the results and will be ready to accept some well deserved flames for not checking the most obvious thing first. Not to date myself or anything but my first gaming console was the original Pong so I have no excuses...
mtbjoe said:
Funny you should mention that, even though I changed the batteries in both wiimotes only a month or so ago I just checked them a couple hours ago and they were both in red :crazy: I haven't changed or tested it out since then but I have a feeling I may be very embarrassed if that was the entire problem...

well, if ur crosshairs start jumping to the right side of the screen then that is exactly the case. either that, or ur too far away.

when i went on vacation, my wii sat in my bag for 10 hours, and when i plugged it in, it made this weird bleeping noise that hasnt stopped since, and it only does it when you open a green door on re4.
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Well, I replaced the batteries and played for an hour without any problems. I seem to remember the system letting me know when my batteries were low last time but this time I really had to look to find the battery status. Either way major rookie error that should have been the first thing I checked. On the plus side I found a great forum with helpful people so thanks all.

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