Factor 5 Wii Project Update


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Apr 24, 2007
Perth, Australia
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IGN said:
US, February 11, 2008 - A short while ago Factor 5 president Julian Eggebrecht confirmed to IGN Wii that the developer, best known for its Star Wars Rogue Squadron titles, had at least one new project underway for Nintendo's Wii console. At DICE 2008 in Las Vegas last week, Eggebrecht shed some light on the mystery game.

The San Rafael-based developer has always been known for getting the most technically out of the consoles it works on and it looks like it will endeavor to use all of Wii's horsepower, too.

"We want to push the hardware. I think for us it's relatively easy for us to push the hardware. It inherently comes. But a lot of it is about exploiting the uniqueness of the Wii. I mean, on the graphical side, we're going to try and do everything to outdo everything else on the platform, the same as we did for the Star Wars games back on the GameCube," said Eggebrecht. "But one of our main focuses is the innovation around the controls. Everybody is always talking about the motion control, but I think people are overplaying that a bit. I really, really love the pointing aspect of the remote. Although we're going to use everything for what we have in development, I think the pointing stuff is probably the biggest innovation which we're working on right now."

Asked about the Wii game's state of completion, Eggebrecht responded: "We're pretty much at a state where we're almost done with the engine. At the same time, we've also been working on content quite a bit because we had enough running very quickly on the platform that we were able to. But the biggest milestone or mark right now is that we're almost done with the engine and it does everything that the PS3 did and then some, quite frankly. So we're pretty happy with that.

"It's not just what a lot of people were expecting. 'Oh, we're going to cash in on what we had from Rebel Strike.' Which we actually also did. That was a fun experience just to bring that game over and play it on Wii. Nevertheless, we said, well, weighing the pros and cons, why don't we do something completely new based on all the experience we had back then? So, that's almost done."

Before it began development on Lair for PS3, Factor 5 was linked to create Pilot Wings for Nintendo's then-codenamed Revolution system. What ever happened to the project and has Eggebrecht given up on the idea of creating a similar flying game?

"We'd never give up on the idea of making a flying game. Maybe a pure flight game, I don't know about that because it limits you a little bit. Flight can be involved, though -- our engine is strong around it. If it lends itself and the game design to it, it certainly can be an element.

"What happened back then. It was 2004 and I think, quite frankly, it came down to us wanting and needing to move on to the next-generation consoles. Nintendo at that point in time hadn't made up their mind, and I don't blame them, what the next-generation for them meant. We, of course, assumed that it was going to be something in the same vein of Microsoft and Sony, so we were kind of prodding and pushing them a little bit. We were saying, 'Come on guys. The road is pretty obvious. Why don't we get going on developing something in that vein because we all know where it's going to lead?' And they -- now in hindsight, of course, I know why -- but they always told us, 'No, why don't you keep it down? Don't think about 10 million polygons more. We're trying to figure something out here.' It was very mysterious throughout the year. Quite frankly, simple business matters happened. We had to run a studio, we had to pay people. And we had to jump onto something. That something at the time was basically the other upcoming consoles. Those guys were very aggressive as partners and at the time we didn't want to lay off anybody, and we needed the cash. So we happily went along with that also expected that sooner or later we could translate it back to whatever Nintendo came up with. Of course, we were blown away when they said, 'This is it, by the way,' which happened way later. So that's I think also why there were never any hard feelings. I think Nintendo knew what was going on with us and that to a certain degree that the time lapse forced us into how things happened. We never, ever had any bad break up, or anything like that. Which is also the case with Sony, by the way. We love the guys at Sony. So if we have another game which we want to work on with them, we would love to and I don't see any reason why not. Things there are a little overhyped on the Internet where people basically think that we all spit into each others' faces, which isn't the case at all."

Journey backward into Factor 5's history and you will eventually find the Turrican franchise, which will, it seems, be making a comeback, both on Virtual Console and perhaps as an all-new game -- most likely for PS3 or Xbox 360.

"You probably have seen the ESRB Wii ratings. There was quite a bit news going around that last year for Wii, which obviously means Virtual Console. So there might be something brewing there and we hope very, very soon there will be something there," said Eggebrecht. "And in general, what we have working on internally is thinking about how to bring that into 3D. I mean, taking a close look certainly at Metroid -- at what these guys did. Taking a close look at other old franchises from the 2D days which were brought into the future. I don't think we're at a point yet where it's full-blown and we're one-hundred percent set in a direction and everybody on the team is certain that this is the way it should go, but we're making headway. It will come back. It's definitely coming back in the old incarnations -- don't worry about that. But I also think that we will bring it into the future pretty soon."

Does Eggebrecht have any final words for Nintendo fans anticipating the company's Wii project? You bet.

"Whatever we're working on will at least blow you away in a lot of the technical aspects. We're really trying to do everything to squeeze the maximum out of the machine," he said. "I'm also hoping we're going to pay respect to what the console is all about, which is the innovation in terms of controls, in terms of accessibility, new experiences, things like that. We're really, really trying hard. I hope it's going to pay off. In terms of what we're working on; is it for third-party publishers, is it for a Nintendo first-party, what title is it? I won't give you a clue."

Source: http://au.wii.ign.com/articles/851/851287p1.html

I can't wait to see what they've come up with.
Everybody is always talking about the motion control, but I think people are overplaying that a bit. I really, really love the pointing aspect of the remote. Although we're going to use everything for what we have in development, I think the pointing stuff is probably the biggest innovation which we're working on right now."

They just won my interest.
Listen to the Wii-k in review. This will be a casual game. What does that mean? The Nunchuk is not being used so that will be limiting the the game style. I still am very interested to see how hard they can push the wii and what it will do while keeping the framerate up to maintain fluidity. Ears open for more news on this.
Come on Factor 5 We are waiting to be impressed..
wait guys, wasn't it rumored that they're working on a new kid icarus games, now read, they're working mainly on the pointer(bow)....and their engine handles good flying(wings)....

kinda sounds like that rumor could be true....
mushroomedmario said:
wait guys, wasn't it rumored that they're working on a new kid icarus games, now read, they're working mainly on the pointer(bow)....and their engine handles good flying(wings)....

kinda sounds like that rumor could be true....

Yes, good point.
That would game would be great, Icarus needs a new game.
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Pantalaimn said:
Listen to the Wii-k in review. This will be a casual game. What does that mean? The Nunchuk is not being used so that will be limiting the the game style.
Some consider Galaxy a casual game though, just because it has been labelled as such dosen't mean it automatically simple and not fun. Plus they were still deciding wether or not they needed the Nunchuck (just listened to that to).

A New Kid Icarus game is the popular rumour going around at the moment.
True points all. It is most exciting though to hear that We may get to see just what this white box can really do. It would be great to see more than people thought was possible. Might be wishful thinking but we will have to see. Hope these statements of theirs (Factor 5) will light the fire under the ass of the other devs to start really trying for quality for Wii titles.
Pantalaimn said:
Listen to the Wii-k in review. This will be a casual game. What does that mean? The Nunchuk is not being used so that will be limiting the the game style. I still am very interested to see how hard they can push the wii and what it will do while keeping the framerate up to maintain fluidity. Ears open for more news on this.
Come on Factor 5 We are waiting to be impressed..

He said "we're going to make it as casual as possible". Lots of companies have made casual addons to hardcore games. The arcade mode in MOHH2, the second "player" in Galaxy, Family play in EA Sports. They didn't really answer the question.

To wit, they said they were going to be pushing the hardware to it's limits. That's not something purely casual games are known for.

He also didn't say the nunchuk wouldn't be used. He just said they hadn't decided to use it yet, and they would only use it if it really fit the game.
What did he mean with: The engine does everything the ps3 did?

Im really curious about this game. I mean that starwars cube game was excellent ( graphics wise! ) so these guys have built up a reputation ;)
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Pantalaimn said:
Hope these statements of theirs (Factor 5) will light the fire under the ass of the other devs to start really trying for quality for Wii titles.
Yes I hope so to.

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