Factor 5 Jumping back to Nintendo


Waiting For Tomorrow
Nov 27, 2007
Wii Online Code
January 14, 2008 - The maker of the hit GameCube series Rogue Squadron is back. In a phone conversation with IGN Wii this morning, company president Julian Eggebrecht confirmed that the studio is underway with at least one all-new Wii project -- and it's not a Virtual Console game. Beyond that confirmation, Eggebrecht was mum, but he did note that the new title would not simply re-use old Rogue Squadron tech; whatever it is, significantly updated or even completely new tech has been developed to help accommodate it.

Factor 5's previous title, Lair, released for PlayStation 3 to mixed reviews. However, it is worth noting that the developer is intimately familiar with the GameCube hardware, whose technology extends to Wii. Not only did Factor 5 work with Nintendo to develop GameCube's audio solution, but it pushed the console harder on a graphics level than just about every other studio, Nintendo included. Bearing that in mind, fans can rest assured that whatever the company's new Wii game is, it's a safe bet that it'll look good and push the hardware.

At one time, Factor 5 was pegged to develop a sequel to Pilot Wings for the then-codenamed Revolution. Nintendo even went so far as to list the San Rafael-based studio as a "partner" in its official E3 presentation. Since that time, though, the company has been busy with the PS3-exclusive Lair and thus, work on any Pilot Wings sequel is thought to have been halted or cancelled altogether. Incidentally, IGN believes Factor 5's Wii title is an altogether different beast.

We'll have much more on the project as information becomes available. For now, though, Nintendo fans who loved the Rogue Squadron games should be happy to know that one of GameCube's best contributors is now lending its support to Wii.

Here is another article where yet another 3rd party company is publically announcing Wii game development. Hopefully they can come up with something good, but even if they don't it will be nice to have another 3rd party company making games for the Wii.

Factor 5 are the ones that were pissed off about other publishers not using the capabilies of the console to their fullest potential.

No doubt, whatever kind of game they do, it will look stunning.

And if they're that ingenious with the graphic department, I think they should be able to use the Wiimote to it's fullest.

Their Wii game should be fantastic.
I hope it's a new IP. Something that they can realy take their time over into creating an epic game.
I thought it was a pretty fun series.

You can check out a list of reviews for all of the games here.
I don't see why this is such a big deal, they're a small company and for all we know they're only going to give the wii one game, and they're most recent game, lair for the ps3, was a peice of crap....
I was unaware of them developing Lair... maybe their work has declined in recent years?

But hey, a game from a company that historically been pretty good on Nintendo platforms can't be a bad thing. (Worst case scenario it sucks and no one has to buy it)

EDIT: Lair was the first game Factor 5 had released in 4 years. I'm going to take the poor quality as "rust" :yesnod:
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A Rogue Squadron game for Wii would be sweet, it'll probably be something else though. Factor 5 worked wonders on the Gamecube so it should be an easy switch for them to the Wii.
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dakuda said:
I wouldn't call this 'jumping back'. One game does not make a jump.

However, I have been impressed with their prior work in Nintendo platforms (GCN, for sure). They know how to push graphics hardware and can put out some stunning games. With the Wii being a comparable system of the GCN to program for, they should put out something at least graphically impressive.

They may be able to even push other developers on the graphics front, once they see what Factor 5 puts out - regardless of the gameplay it entails. That should help the darn graphics vs. gameplay discussion.

From one of the other articles I read (apparently not this one), I had heard that Factor 5 dropped development of another PS3 exclusive. This to means they are jumping off the PS3 ship and hoping for the best.

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