Face it, Blu-Ray is needed

So how come they didn't make EVERYONE happy? Loads of people were complaining because there were no online games and that the only good game released was Zelda... stuff like that

but not everyone IS happy...

i'm dissapointed with the wii and thought the motion controlls would be a lot cooler but they can be dam right annoying ( like a lot of people have experienced in fps )

i dont know why zelda has such a big hype, yes it was fun but come on, its a green man with a sword and sheild ....
WII60 said:

but not everyone IS happy...

i'm dissapointed with the wii and thought the motion controlls would be a lot cooler but they can be dam right annoying ( like a lot of people have experienced in fps )

i dont know why zelda has such a big hype, yes it was fun but come on, its a green man with a sword and sheild ....

Well probaly because hes been around just as long as mario has been around, people from middle to old ages love/like him!! Thats why any game that comes out and starts out with Mario or Zelda always sells no matter what!! EXCEPT FOR THAT ZELDA GAME THAT PHILLIPS-I DID!!! THAT GAME WAS CRAP!
but is it just me or do a lot of people on here just follow the crowd and buy the zelda game and say ' iz rulz duddes ' but they are only on the forest temple?
Well im not gonna say its YOU, but im gonna say that there is peeps who follow other crowds that buy the game, and when they buy the game they seem to like it, which in turn, turns that follower into a ZELDA fan!

The reason why they are at the forest temple is because they are still probally having a hard time with the game and are in need of help from us or a study zelda guide, thats why you see soo many people on wiichat saying, can someone help me on this or that, i mean thats why we are here for is that not so, not only to talk nonsense, or make board games for other members to play, but to also help others out, sooner or later when we need help on something they also who needed help would also be helping us out in our time of need!!!
Does that clear up things?

If i helped you.... give me some rep, from the green mushroom thingy!
CyanRussel said:
Well probaly because hes been around just as long as mario has been around, people from middle to old ages love/like him!! Thats why any game that comes out and starts out with Mario or Zelda always sells no matter what!! EXCEPT FOR THAT ZELDA GAME THAT PHILLIPS-I DID!!! THAT GAME WAS CRAP!

Yes, I remember Mario being released into the arcades in the UK.

I didn't buy zelda TP.... didn't like any Zelda game after Link... Hated what they did with the 3D thing in Ocarina... loads of running around empty spaces...

But that isn't what this thread is about...... It was started with the assertion that blu-ray is needed. But, I suppose that as an old person, I bothered to read every post rather than replying to just the final one and taking it all out of context of the wider debate. I fail to see the relevance of your post wthin the framework of the discussion......
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I never contradict myself.

I havent had any sleep yet so im gonna take a nap but ill leave you with this.

If they stopped making games for the Wii right now, they would still fly off the shelves. Its cheap but thats not all, it has a neat controller that gets peoples attention.

Now, who here has bought a PS3 for the Sixaxis? Not because of the games, just the Sixaxis. I know i didnt. When i heard about that i was surprised and thought it was a nice bonus. I got a PS3, not for some motion controller, just for the games cause i knew that they will make top quality games and not rely on old ones.

Resistance would have been a different game without Blu-Ray.

Add me to MSN floating_head_doctor@hotmail.com
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I'm not even going to bother reading all your examples and reasons. Why? One word:
Gymdawg said:
I'm not even going to bother reading all your examples and reasons. Why? One word:
Well, that was pretty ignorant. That's almost like saying Nintendo fails at the Wii because of Virtual Boy.
captainff said:
My point precisely........ Having a massive storage capacity does not automatically guarantee a great game. Many old games are great even though they could fit 10 times over onto a regular DVD.

I am not anti-PS3, modern games or big storage capacity. I just think that good games are good games, and bad games are bad games, irrespective of the disk space they take up.

But compare Super Mario to Motor Storm or Resistance, any non retarded person would choose either of these games over Super Mario unless your a complete fanboy or your just strange that you get excitement over a italian plumber.
E7ernal said:
Computers, Crappy Games?
You've gotta be kidding me!
Left 4 Dead?
Half Life Episodes?
All with PC Mouse and Keyboard and Better graphics than X-Box/PS could ever dream of
What about Alan Wake?
and mainly MODS!!!

I build my PCs myself using spare parts from previous ones and I'm making an awesom Upgradeable Rig for about £750 which will last at least 2 years with the highest settings on games (Online as a pre-built it would cost at least £1200).
Plus it only uses one of my new Crossfire slots so i'll be able to upgrade it in a couple of years for a few hundered quid.
I don't want a PS3/XBOX 360 because you also need to spend about £1200 extra for the HDTV to enjoy it.

Not everyone is an nerd though, i mean honest to god what you said there just went in one ear and out the other, buying a powerful pc is a waste of money as in a years time its obsolete. Il stick to buying pre-built computers from Dell, they do everything you need them too, and il use my Wii and Ps3 for real gaming, although i cant stop playing Aoe on my pc, amazing=)
---Brian--- said:
But compare Super Mario to BrownStorm or Resistance:fall of originality, any non retarded person would choose either of these games over Super Mario unless your a complete fanboy or your just strange that you get excitement over a italian plumber.

Yeah you would have to be a complete fanboy to pick a game that is representative of a whole genre of 2d platforming, I mean really now guys mario isn't even that famous anyway, and his hat makes him look stupid, and luigi is stupid too.
I remember when final fantasy 7,8, and 9 came out, and I was all like "NO WAY AM I GETTING THOSE MUM, THEY HAVE MORE THAN ONE DISC, SCREW THAT" and that began my quest for massive storage space for a game, cos I mean pc games have more than 1 cd sometimes, stuff like doom 3, max payne 2, or dungeon siege 2 (only games on my side atm) , and no one ever bought those games, those games suck. 1 DISC FRO LYFE. Bluerays is the futures and is definitely not a trojan horse for sonys format, no way, I mean its not like sony relied on people thinking "hey ps2 was good lets get a ps3", just so they could push their format some more.
mushroomedmario said:
are you kidding me? you incredibly missed his point! Super Mario World is still being played today over the only two decent games for ps3

Any evidence of that? im certanly not, ive got Motor Storm and Resistance and your sad if your still playing 2d games, havent played super mario in 12 years, since my snes.
Mr.Selfdestruct said:
All you guys that are SO happy about Sony's future in the gaming market, and the potential success of Blu-ray and the PS3, think about this.

I seriously doubt the Sony Exec's are as optimistic as you Fan Boys, the Wii is litterally flying off the shelves, where as the Xbox 360 and PS3 are seeing low to slumping numbers in comparison to the Wii.

Bottom line, Sony's losing there ass on the PS3, and you have to see it from a business mans perspective, they dont care about guys fighting over there product on forums, and the fans "Brand Loyalty" infact, your loyalty is rediculous because seriously big companies dont give a rats ass about how dilligently you deffend there product, all they care about is MONEY!!

And as of right now the PS3 is not making the kinda money they wanted it too.

If you guys wanna talk about what technology is the next and which is better than the other, well just so you know, from a SONY, MICROSOFT, NINTENDO's (Big Businesses) point of view THE ONE THAT SELLS THE MOST UNITS IS THE BETTER MACHINE case in point: The more of a particular product there is floating around, the more support, attachments, software and the MOST important A FUTURE that particular machine has.

If i was a PS3 guy, i would be seriously worried about my shiny new console going the way of the 3DO the Neo Geo and the Jaguar game systems especially if HD-DVD wins out over Blue Ray just like VHS beat Betamax in the 80's, the PS3 is built on shaky ground right now.

The one that sells the most units has the best future PERIOD! All the crap that these Microsoft execs say about the Wii being inferior and for children and the console using technology that mimics there older systems, is a pathetic last ditch attempt to defame the Wii and hopefully kill there MASSIVE Sales.

Sony and Microsoft have gotten away from the general market, and bet all there money on the "hardcore online gamer" market, which isnt nearly as big as they thought or atleast nearly as big as the general market, and i bet the Wii is going to cause both Microsoft and Sony to completely re-tool there designing and marketing sectors of there company's.

You have to adapt or become extinct, and Nintendo just changed the future of gaming with there little cheesy, generic remote weather you like it or not.

Your so wrong, people are only buying the Wii as in impulse buy, its for famaly's etc but they will get fed up with them, theres not much playing time really to obtain from it, you will find that yes the Wii is selling better, but no-one is buying the games, and the real money comes from the games bought.
---Brian--- said:
you will find that yes the Wii is selling better, but no-one is buying the games, and the real money comes from the games bought.

Sorry but you are very very wrong with this statement. Every Wii sold makes Nintendo money. Every game sold also makes Nintendo money. It is a well published fact. Sony, on the other hand ONLY makes money from games as the PS3 sells at a loss.

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