F-Zero X and Mario Kart 64!


Me Wif My Boxing Glove!!!
Jan 28, 2007
Wii Online Code
yay i just downloaded mario kart 64 and f-zero x! my first ever vc games (cause my internet connection wasnt workin for a while) theyre both great games anyway! can anyone recommend any more vc games for the next time i buy wii points?:smilewinkgrin:
I just got Mario Kart 64 yesterday and played it for the first time ever. It is fun but I do end up in the water/lava way to much. I think the Wii version will be great and online races.

Super Mario world is a classic
I have got Bombernam '93. Is not many points but good fun! Also you MUST get Supermario 2.

What is F-Zero X like? Can you describe it for me please?
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yeah sure. F-Zero X is really good. Grand Prix mode is really good too. and the vehicles are fast... very fast. especially when you get a boost. you start the first lap without any boost then at the second lap you get a full bar of it. its a brilliant game!:thumbsup:
Anything that is Donkey Kong Country related is always something that you know you'll enjoy. I recommend all the series (though I think only the first Donkey Kong Country game has been released on VC so far). But yeah, I'd also be surprised if you are yet to play any of them games, and you have to buy it if you haven't!
The Sonics are great choices, especially if you don't have the compilation packs. Pretty much Sonic 2 has the greatest level design of any platformer ever.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past is very good. Kirby's Adventure is good, but really short (I beat it in a little over an hour, at least now I can try finding the hidden switches and going to 100% completion). Paper Mario is one of my all-time favorite games. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarana of Time is a "godly" game. On IGN, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarana of Time scored a perfect 10 (best rated Virtual Console game), Kirby's Adventure and The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past both scored 9.5s on IGN. Paper Mario scored a 9. I've played all of them a good deal and really like them.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarana of Time = 1000 points
Paper Mario = 1000 points
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to The Past = 800 points
Kirby's Adventure = 500 points.

If I were you, and you haven't played any of those four, go with one of the first two. Since the minumum amount of points Nintendo lets you buy is 1000, you're going to be able to get one of them for sure. If you are still hesiant, go to Google, and search for some gameplay videos or reviews. I can guerentee you though, that those games are well-worth it and are reffered to as some of the best games made for the N64 and that are currently released on the Virtual Console.

Another thing you could try is, on the Wii Shop Channel, go to "Most Popluar Games" and see what they have to offer there. Most of the Mario games are listed (though I would pass on the first Mario Bros game since you can beat it in under 30 minutes/can't save) as well as the Zelda Games. I haven't played the first two Zeldas yet, but hope to soon. I've heard that they are true classics (of course, I knew that already ^^) even though Twilight Princess and Ocarana of Time surpass them in gameplay and graphics.

Before I go and purchase any Virtual Console games, I like to to go IGN, VC-Reviews, and this place to hear feedback to help me decide if the game is worth getting. A quick search on Google should help you out right away.

Hopefully this can help you out with deciding on your next Virtual Console buys. :)
Wii_BrEnDo2007 said:

how fast is it?

Well the game SAYS you're going over 1000 mph but I doubt it's really that fast. Also it takes about 150 memory blocks :yikes:

That and Mario Kart 64 were 2 of my favorite N64 games needless to say I downloaded both.
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the fastest ive been on f-zero x is round about... 857 mph or something. its really fast but easy to control... at some points:lol: the next game im gettin is goin to be sonic the hedgehog 2. i played this when i was a kid and its excellent. i would love to complete it again. sonic the hedgehog is my favourite videogame character.:thumbsup:
yeah and i also heard that the Zelda games were instant classics. especially Ocarina of Time so thats on my list too.
well, Donkey kong country 2 is the best in the series IMHFO, kirby adventure is awesome.........and metroid i got confused with it. starting to get the hang of it now.

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