Evolution: Are you being brainwashed?

wezeles said:
evolution is a theory, creationism is a theory, big bang theory... now when anyone gets a time machine goes back and time and proves it... sorry kids theory isnt proof.. its opinion.. and just like assholes... you know the rest... its not an argument anyone should have cause really your all to ignorant to even discuss it let alone have an opinion on it... now untill you meet god,build a time machine, or pay me a million dollars for every word you say... just drop it..its a waste of your own breath
Wezles, yes they are theorys, but some have more evidence than others. The ignorant person is the one who dosen't explore both sides of the arguement and just says its ignorant to be disscussing this. If your planning on building a time machine or meeting god anytime soon then you can tell us to stop the disscusion.
Samus101 said:
Here are some books I recommend reading: The Bible and "23 Minutes in Hell".

Firstly, I have read the Bible and found it utterly appalling on so many levels.

Okay, to set the record straight everyone. THERE IS NO MICRO EVOLUTION OR MACRO EVOLUTION. The names are irrelevant because it is the same scientific theory. It is a universal and general process. All calling it Micro or Macro does is label it and try to constrict it. Some Christians will agree with "micro" because we have watched viruses and other micro organisms evolve.

Honestly, this really can go on forever. I have seen endless comment sections on You Tube about this. I personally don't believe it is possible for the "Christian" god (or Muslim, etc) to exist mainly because I can't live my life on faith that something may or may not be there. Just please, if you have a soft spot in your heart for JC or are joansing for some Muhammed and his magical flying fire horse then please, do yourselves a favor and check out this video:


Cry "lack of sources" if you want but you can feel free to look all of that up if you want.
In my experience I've found evolution and the big bang to be far more consistent and evident than religious texts. Now I'm not saying religion is wrong, but if it is right then why is it constantly in conflict with our observations of nature? For example, if you take the Bible literally the Universe cannot be more than a few thousand years old, so how come we are able to see distant galaxies that are millions of light years away (i.e. their light took millions of years to get here)?

Samus101 said:
If you want to take your chances burning in hell FOREVER, I can't stop you, but I'm not!

That's not a very good reason to follow a religion.
Napalmbrain said:
In my experience I've found evolution and the big bang to be far more consistent and evident than religious texts. Now I'm not saying religion is wrong, but if it is right then why is it constantly in conflict with our observations of nature? For example, if you take the Bible literally the Universe cannot be more than a few thousand years old, so how come we are able to see distant galaxies that are millions of light years away (i.e. their light took millions of years to get here)?

That's not a very good reason to follow a religion.
*Sighs* Some day you'll see who's right.
I posted a reply but I think it got Deleted???
It's not even in my Posts posted by Wii_Smurf :(

So I'll say it again:

Evolution might not have Evidence [Not definate] but GOD has only Church xD
Hey samus101, how bout you stop yelling fire and brimstone at everyone? your the kind of person that turns these people away from Christianity in the first place. I will gladly debate an atheist on evolution, but I won't force my faith on them unless they really are asking questions.
Napalmbrain said:
In my experience I've found evolution and the big bang to be far more consistent and evident than religious texts. Now I'm not saying religion is wrong, but if it is right then why is it constantly in conflict with our observations of nature? For example, if you take the Bible literally the Universe cannot be more than a few thousand years old, so how come we are able to see distant galaxies that are millions of light years away (i.e. their light took millions of years to get here)?

That's not a very good reason to follow a religion.

All depends on how you interpret it. I myself, as I have said before believe in the 4.5 billion year theory. The Bible has history, poetry, prophesy, letters, law, all have to be read differently than the other.
Samus101 said:
*Sighs* Some day you'll see who's right.

Would the loving, forgiving God I've heard so much about be so petty as to condemn someone to eternal punishment in hell because they believed in a harmless scientific theory?
Samus101 said:
You must ask for forgiveness to be forgiven. You WILL NOT be forgiven without asking.

I find it stupid that you can just ask for forgiveness and oh yeah the priest can ask god for you can he?

Btw I really don't believe in GOD. I could kill a 3 year old and ask for forgiveness just like that can I? thats stupid and don't give me 'You have to feel sorry not just say it' because I doubt [without a lie detector] anyone would know any different. [BTW im no killer lol]
Napalmbrain said:
Would the loving, forgiving God I've heard so much about be so petty as to condemn someone to eternal punishment in hell because they believed in a harmless scientific theory?

Dude,what he said but less harsh. Why does everyone think that God should either be a prissy or a thuderbolt throwing prick? He is wrathful, zealous, but also merciful. You probably won't go to hell because of believing in big bang theory. I do have a feeling that it is more than "harmless" and a "theory" to you though.

Any Christians here ever think that when God spoke, the big bang happened? I don't see why they can't go together.I believe that humans are separate, but all other animals being from common ancestors could be factual. This also is a way that Noah could have fit 2 of every animal (7 of every clean one just so you know) on the ark.