Euro/UK Order Confirmations and Denials

****! ive ordered from amazon. ive recieved no email about it being dispatched, but on my amazon account it says:

Items dispatched on 7 Dec 2006:
Delivery estimate: 8 Dec 2006 - 9 Dec 2006
1 package via Parcelforce WorldwideTrack your packagewith tracking number **************

* 1 of: Nintendo Wii Console (Includes Wii Sports)
Sold by:
I just phoned up some guy on amazon. He basically said that around 70,000 people pre-ordered it, so they ran out of stock, but they just got a load more in stock now. But he still said I'd get mine next week, which is really annoying. I guess I'll just have to be patient... :sad:
Sorry Guys.... I work for tesco... I don't work in an extra (the only stores allocated stock officially) at the moment, but I did for the 360. We had two due in... and 21 of the 500 staff wanted one..... we drew lots and I didn't get one.... but neither did teh customer!!! Customer service can check to see how many will be in.... but the backdoor man, under management instruction will intercept it!!!

Good Luck....

PS I didn't even try my contacts..... getting one from argos tomorrow... not sure about woolies or PC World!!
honeymustard said:
I just phoned up some guy on amazon. He basically said that around 70,000 people pre-ordered it, so they ran out of stock, but they just got a load more in stock now. But he still said I'd get mine next week, which is really annoying. I guess I'll just have to be patient... :sad:

Amazon only allowed pre orders of the stock they would be getting.. and I cant imagine 70,000 orders would have been made in the 3 minutes pre orders were open for at amazon.
Nintendoid said:
If you're number 2 on the preorder list and can get to woolworths on the 8th then you should have your launch console. I preordered my xbox 360 from woolworths and had no problems whatsoever, it arrived on launch day and there were no hiccups along the way at all.

One thing I have learnt about console launches is that you shouldn't start worrying until it gets to launch day and you're still console-less with a shrugging store-manager in front of you. If you got confirmation of a launch day console and the store haven't told you otherwise then the odds of you getting a console are almost certain. Try to ignore the "insider" info that appears on forums across the net because 90% of it is either greatly exaggerated, educated guesses, or even completely made up. If the store have any news regarding your order then they'll tell you as soon as they can.

Having said that, I know what it's like when all you're hearing is allocation cuts and delays to orders. It definitely gets you worrying.


My insider info is one of my best friends who works in woolworths and actually has one pre-ordered himself. all the Woolworths store's I've contacted have no wii's in store 1 day before launch. none. Very few people have been phoned - in fact I know of none.
So as for picking up my wii tommorrow morning. The dream is over... :mad2:
Yeah, regarding woolies, I called the Woolworths I pre-ordered from at 12:30 today (7th) and they haven't received any stock from the warehouse yet. They said they get entertainment deliveries at 8am, 3pm and 5pm so I should try after those times.

Just glad I didn't book the 8th off...
Items dispatching soon:
Delivery estimate: 8 Dec 2006

* 1 of: Nintendo Wii Console (Includes Wii Sports)
Sold by:

Items not yet dispatched:
Delivery estimate: 8 Dec 2006

* 1 of: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
Sold by:
* 1 of: Red Steel (Wii)
Sold by:

*fingers crossed* - looking unlikely for the games though :nonod:
That would be a bugger if all the staff got them, well i am planning to go "shopping" at 11pm & see whats going on, if i dont have no luck then at least i will have my shopping ;-)
I just called service line and its automated. I put in my order number and it says all the goods in it have been dispatched. Hopefully they will update my order status on the web soon.
Play Sent My Games.... They Arrived Today

Yes... how cool is that? Madden 07 and GT Pro Series Been practising all day.... All I need now is a console!!!:idea:
Christo said:
I just called service line and its automated. I put in my order number and it says all the goods in it have been dispatched. Hopefully they will update my order status on the web soon.

nice idea, whats the number? all i can find is a call back feature.
Slickslider did you mean customer service at the store or the main one? I tried calling the store, they all say they dont know.
Play sent my copy of Red Steel on monday so should get the today, they are also sending the console and the points card today as well!!! Happy Days!!!
i0n said:
Items dispatching soon:
Delivery estimate: 8 Dec 2006

* 1 of: Nintendo Wii Console (Includes Wii Sports)
Sold by:

Items not yet dispatched:
Delivery estimate: 8 Dec 2006

* 1 of: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
Sold by:
* 1 of: Red Steel (Wii)
Sold by:

*fingers crossed* - looking unlikely for the games though :nonod:

My game is dispatched but wii is dispatching soon with a Dec 8 delivery.

View order
Items dispatching soon:
Delivery estimate: 8 Dec 2006

* 1 of: Nintendo Wii Console (Includes Wii Sports)
Sold by:

Items dispatched on 7 Dec 2006:
Delivery estimate: 8 Dec 2006
1 package via Royal Mail Special Delivery

* 1 of: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)
Sold by:

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