Euro/UK Order Confirmations and Denials

Lianne said:
Did anyone order of and have their wii, when did you preorder?
I preodered 17th november with game

i pre-ordered september and it arrived 1st day...mmmm wii!
FFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 'Important Message
We're sorry. The item Nintendo Wii Console (Includes Wii Sports) is no longer available from the seller you selected. We've moved it to the Saved Items section of your Shopping Cart. To see if it's available from another seller, click here to return to the item's product detail page' I had it in my basket, i pressed the place order button and that GOD DAM THING CAME UP FFS!!!!!

EDIT: Happy now as I snagged a Wii from :)
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Big_Mill said:
Just ordered off, seems we are the only ones having stock issues. Should arrive next week \o/

I assume the german console is PAL but what about the different power adapters. Wont that cause an issue?
Im a bit worried as I got the last Wii console from yesterday and they said it takes within 24 hours to dispatch, and its been around 20 hours since and it still hasent been dispatched :frown2:
I pre ordered with game but in store i managed to get 2 and pre ordered mine around mid November. Did you pre order online with Game?
Btw it isnt a pre-order, I checked the site and they had one left in stock :p
Im really pissed off now. I got a Wii from when they had it in stock. It wasnt a pre-order... so I got it and bought it. Normally it takes 24 hours to dispatch but after 24 hours I phoned up asking why hasnt it been dispatched. And they said that they wont have any in stock until a while after christmas... even though it said they had them in stock when I ordered mine. So I'm going to be Wii-Less until like mid January unless I eBay it lol. Anyway Im refreshing amazon to try and get one from there as they have been getting quite alot in stock lately.
My quest is finally over :) It started with a pre-order from hmv on the 5th december, then just missing a amazon wii batch, then getting a wii from to be told they didnt actually have any in stock then finally this morning I lucked out and got my little baby wii ordered from amazon arriving tomorrow

EDIT: Yay just been dispatched and will arrive tomorrow :)
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I walked into ASDA yesterday and was fortunate to pick one up. They have received a shipment of 8 that morning and had 3 left. Ive been playing wiisports and Zelda every since. Fantastic fun. Cant wait to get the whole family involved on xmas day!

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