E for All

I cant wait to go! i have weekend tickets (actually a card) and i hate to go to my dang high school >:/ dude, kotaku said that it is dead there. i guess thats a sad yay :p
man mysims problably had the time of his life i feel good because i saw some of the adventure mode story and gameplay i posted the link to the vids in my other thread even if theres a smash vid section these are too awsome to not get attention
why would they remove short jumping, makes no sense, i could understand wave-dashing and what not but short-hopping just made so much more sense...and lik that dosn't mean air-dodging it out, it just means they altered the coding..

i hope the fast falling is really fast, maybe that will somehow cancel the lack of short hop?

i have such terrible experience with bowser in melee, im' just turned off from him, so even if he is top tier i probably won't play as him
well im here to tell you guys some more about E for all.
At times you were aloud to play brawl, and at some points they picked people to host a little tourney. The people in the tourney got shirts. I wasnt picked unfortunatly... But i still got to have a quick match.
I played as samus, and my cousin played at pit.
Samus's final Smash attack is awesome, and zero suit samus is really fast, and the whip is very long, making it easy to attack characters.
My cousin was having trouble with pit. He said his moves feel awkword.
There was only 1 assist trophy in our battle. Little Mac. I was kind of mad because i already knew he was an assist, but he was preety cool.
I think that assist trophys are easy to dodge, with little mac, all that i had to do was jump over him.
My uncle and cousins didnt want to stand around watching brawl all day (i did) so they promised me that today we can watch brawl for about an hour.

And dont think that your totally missing out. The only thing your missing out on, is playing it. Because theres gonna be a million E for all movies on youtube.
Sorry but im tired and ill try to post something tommorow same time. (or mabey around 8)
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Wow! Thanks for the report Mysims! ^_^ Glad you're having fun and keep it up. It's good to know that ZSS is pretty good, and I always thought Pit looked kind of hard to use. *sigh* Back to school for me, have fun playing Brawl.
mushroomedmario said:
why would they remove short jumping, makes no sense, i could understand wave-dashing and what not but short-hopping just made so much more sense...and lik that dosn't mean air-dodging it out, it just means they altered the coding..

i hope the fast falling is really fast, maybe that will somehow cancel the lack of short hop?

i have such terrible experience with bowser in melee, im' just turned off from him, so even if he is top tier i probably won't play as him
They're going for the simplicity image, is the only thing I can think of. Perhaps pressing a button quickly is too difficult for the casual gamer? However, please don't think that this is simply a rumor, because it was posted by multiple sources (all whom are attending E4A) on SmashBoards.

New techniques will rise with the passing of old.
Has anyone used Meta Knight? He is my character for brawl from the beginning, hope he gets some good reports lol
^MetaKnight has been confirmed to pwn, atleast at a noob level. It is assumed that he will be extremely high tier and multiple reports have said that his FSA is one quick slash at an enemy that is almost always a KO.

Gotcha covered, bro :wink:
hmm i'm really starting to think link's and metaknight's fsa's will blow, compared to sonic's.....

i mean everytime i see the videos sonic get's like 4 ko's(yeah kills someone again) and metaknight/link can only get one person
^Thats because they don't know how to play.

Sonic's FSA seems extremely hard to control (it takes a few seconds to turn around) and it seems like it wouldn't be too hard to shield (dunno if that would work) or air dodge the assault.
LevesqueIsKing said:
^Thats because they don't know how to play.

Sonic's FSA seems extremely hard to control (it takes a few seconds to turn around) and it seems like it wouldn't be too hard to shield (dunno if that would work) or air dodge the assault.

ahh roight, i knew there was a factor i was forgetting

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