DS remote play through Wii?????


WiiChat Member
Aug 28, 2007
Wii Online Code
Has anyone heard any rumors or anything on this? I read an article here but its not confirmed or show any evidence that this kid actually did connect his DS as a remote.
of course in d pokemon game battle rev u can use yur ds as a controler for more info u can look on d american nintendo site on d tv icon oh and u need pokemon pearl or ruby i think
that video must be a prank becos its not like that in the european wii and it cant be japanese cos it can play english. mayby its some kind of developper of a new update showing a teaser duno

And dont forget d lil green mushroom at the bottom of d screen im desperate for it!
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i already knew about pokemon pearl , but some of the comments beneath the article say that its rumored to be able to edit your miis...and also that its rumored on there that the check mii out channel is gonna be incorporated with it.
There is bound to be more play with your DS and Wii.
Stay tuned, we may be surprised with the result.

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