Halogen lights may interfere with Wii.

Plus if it's that big of a problem then nintendo will fix it, becuase you can't sell a product that does something like that.
This rumor is false!
Just reading on the wehatewii.com and they said

Wii Knows WiFi (& Bluetooth)
Filed under: Wii News — May 14, 2006 @ 9:50 am
Nintendo has confirmed today that the Wii will be compatible with both WiFi and Bluetooth technologies, making the Wii the first console to support both technologies.

The bluetooth will be used for wireless communication between controllers, headsets, or other accessories.

which would mean that halogen lights would not affect the controllers at all.
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Wifi is for the internet connection and bluetooth for the controllers etc. Neither of those would require a "sensor bar", only IR would, so this still isn't all adding up to me. Either the whole sensor bar is a red herring or SOME part of the wii is using IR. You don't need a foot long bar that is location sensitive for wifi or bluetooth.
the Wiimote does have IR its on the "top" its used for getting the distance between the wiimote and the screen (sensor bars) this is used for when the wiimote is 'lunged' or stabbed whichever you prefer at the screen...

This is how you can stab someone in Red Steel because the IR picks up when your moving the wiimote towards the sensor bars...

now you all know... Its fine it wont be a problem when released...

So dont worry!

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I agree that it will likely be fine, but lets stop with the "there is only WiFi and BT" discussions since we pretty much already know that's not the case. I thought the information would be useful. I have no halogen in my entire house and I bet that's the case for most people. The two most common sources are going to be track lighting or lamps. Lamps are an easy solution IMO, turn them off. If you have track lighting, get an incandescent floor lamp so you arent playing in the dark.
not to keep beating a dead horse, but the response i got back from nintendo has put a bit of doubt in me:



I can neither confirm nor deny the rumors contained in the article.

Nintendo of America Inc.
David Marshall

Though I'm hopeful as well bc no comment means there prolly is a problem, but they are working on a solution and not going to admit there ever was a problem.
http://www.xgaming.com/newsletter/Wii%20Dupe.shtml said:
"The Wii controller hides beneath its glossy exterior a number of cutting-edge technologies. The peripheral uses an accelerometer and a gyrometer to measure motion and tilt, and likewise utilizes both infrared and Bluetooth technology to interact with a sensor bar (placed near a television) and ultimately to send information to the Wii console."
Bluetooth and infrared, interesting. Well, I've never heard of halogen lights effecting infrared/bluetooth signals, however, I googled it and had a flick through the hits, there seems to be quite a few.:( I think it's just a minor problem, and it may happen to a few people. I suppose we'll have to wait and see.

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