Phoenix Wright
Ace Attorney™
I believe he does. Everything that has ever happened, everything that was prophesied, was all mention in the Bible. However, there's a big thing I like to point out to all the 'Christians' out there. Most Christians think that when Jesus comes back, we are to be 'raptured' into the air, and God will burn the earth. I would like to throw this out here. When I've read the Bible, it says that the anti-Christ, (Satin), will be the first to come out of Heaven. (There is no 'hell'. Hell is a lake of fire. Satin is held on some section of Heaven which nobody goes.) Anyway, he will come first, before the real Christ, and he will end up somewhere in the Mt. of Olives. There, he will claim to be the real Christ, and trick everyone to believe that, and attempt to rapture them away. Everyone who stands up saying he's the anti-Christ will most likely be prosecuted, killed, etc. (Which they won't, if they have faith in God) Now, before he takes us 'Christians' away, the real Jesus will come, and lock Satin for a 1000 years. There, the real Savior will relieve the confusion for all the people who were 'fooled' by Satin. (He isn't going to burn them in hell.) After he saves his children, which would take the approxiamte 1000 years, he will leash Satin out to the lake of fire, known as Hell. (ALSO!! Satin would be coming to earth once there is a World System thing going. This is when the world does everything 'exactly' the same, such as same money system, politics, education, religion, etc.) If any Christian is reading this, and doesn't believe me, read the Bible once in a while. It took me 5 years to understand all of this. But, back on topic, I do believe he exists. He acts in many ways, too. You see people in a horrific stage of cancer, and with one little prayer, they may be healed the next day. People who live in poverty would someday live a decent life. God works in many ways, and everything is supposed to happen this way. Why, this very thread could've been planned by God for me to post in. I do believe in him, and I always will. The Bible teaches 'great' morals, prophets, etc. That's my clean, easy answer about this thread.