Doctor Who

Lol, what..what....................................what!
Dang got to wait until christmas :sick:
The last episode was cool, but I thought that it could have been better. I hated the "power of the people" thing that they had going on. :lol:
Other than that, it was nice.
Ugh, last week was so promising but this week was a total let down. They managed to fit the two laziest plot devices in fiction into one episode- First the ridiculous deus ex machina with everyone chanting 'Doctor' to somehow give him superpowers, followed by the old reset button so everything just goes back to normal... I forgot how stupid episodes written by Russell T. Davies can get. John Simm makes a great Master though.
He didnt have super powers...he accessed the Archangel network through his mind, after trying to tune into it and manipulate it for that year and is able to gain temporary access to a large amount of psychic energy.

Soon as I saw that I was this ig gonnabe corny, but I think the effects were pulled off well.

And it wasnt a "reset button"...the paradox machine was destroyed so it canceled everything out, returning everything back to normal. Although the fact they were in "the eye of the storm" as the Doctor put it was a bit odd.

I enjoyed the episode, athough it needed more Doctor and less Martha...then again I guess they focused more on here as she wasnt gonna be around much longer. SOta felt sorry for him mind, he mustfeel very alone after the Maters death and she just goes yeah I'm buggering off too.

The Jack/ Face of Boe connetion had me speechless ><
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Oh My ****** god
Jack was the face of boe
and the whole "doctor" chant was brilliant
I loved that episode
Jay61 said:
He didnt have super powers...he accessed the Archangel network through his mind, after trying to tune into it and manipulate it for that year and is able to gain temporary access to a large amount of psychic energy.

Superpower or not, it was still ridiculous. I know he has some psychic powers, but how does everyone 'believing' in him let him fly around the room and reverse 900 years of aging?

And it wasnt a "reset button"...the paradox machine was destroyed so it canceled everything out, returning everything back to normal.

That's what a reset button is... :rolleyes:
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Well if you don't like it then lump it napalmbrain

If you are so dissapointed write a letter to the doctor who team at the bbc
wii_cammy said:
Well if you don't like it then lump it napalmbrain

If you are so dissapointed write a letter to the doctor who team at the bbc

I was expressing an opinion, Wiicammy. If you don't like it, then you can lump it.

The show is publicly funded, so I have every right to expect better.
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Do you pay for any of it?

No, then you can't complain

Such a hippocrit
Napalmbrain said:
Superpower or not, it was still ridiculous. I know he has some psychic powers, but how does everyone 'believing' in him let him fly around the room and reverse 900 years of aging?
Your forgeting one important thing...He's the Doctor.[/Pirates reference]

They werent believing in him anyway, just the energy of everyoe thinking one word at once was huge, and he tapped into it. Psychic energy isnt real (Or at least we don't know about it) so you can't really say what he could do with it...
Napalmbrain said:
That's what a reset button is... :rolleyes:
Hardly call blowing something up a button :p
Jay61 said:
Your forgeting one important thing...He's the Doctor.[/Pirates reference]

They werent believing in him anyway, just the energy of everyoe thinking one word at once was huge, and he tapped into it. Psychic energy isnt real (Or at least we don't know about it) so you can't really say what he could do with it...

Whatever, it was still corny. :p

Hardly call blowing something up a button :p

It's just the name of the plot device. It doesn't necessarily have to involve actually pressing a button, like a deus ex machina doesn't always have God suddenly appearing to save the day. For more examples of the reset button, take your pick from most episodes of Star Trek Voyager (they liked to blow up stuff in order to undo the plot too! :lol:).

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