Doctor Who

Happy said:
I preferred it when it was Christopher Eccleston and Billy Piper
I never really liked him as The Doctor. He didn't fit the part as well as David Tennant does. I agree that Billie Piper was great as Rose but Freema Agyeman also fits the part of Martha very well.
new series are awesome
my fav doctor is tennant
companion has gotta be rose (piper)

the new series are much better.
Last episode of season3 (new) next week :(
the master will go down lol
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The master will not die
Te doctor doesn't want to kill him because they are the last two timelords
Wonder if Jack will stay with them...

I don't really like Martha, I'm not sure why. Then again Rose bugged me after a while too. Wish the female assistants would stop falling in love with the Doctor all the time, its getting old.

Also I want the Doctors suit :lol:

I don't want the Master "Dieing" or regenerating, hes AWESOME as he is right now.
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@ wiired
Oh yeh
you dont care

Im not sure if Jack will eave because there is Torchwood series 2 but then again he just went back to the doctor
so maybe they will intertwine them
Maybe..thing is hes been waiting so long for the Doctor to come back, its even one of the reasons he set Torchwood back up. Maybe he'll realise he has his own team to look after and go back or something.

Cpt Jack does go back to torchwood, definatly

Jack didn't set torchwood back up, he just like the leader of the torchwood in cardif, although I am intrested to see how the second season of torchwood pans out due to the events in the first one such as the weevil encounter. . .
my friend looks exacty like billy piper



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Damn it
I hate waiting
Clif hangers are anoying

First Death note (longest 40 secounds ever)(damn it last eps as well)
Now this
This series was a little weird tbh

I thought I didn't enjoy it, like some episodes were a little weird and ruined it like the human daleks and at first I hated the final story line I thought they would just leave the world as it was with all the missle silos and then next series it would be normal again like nothing happened but in the end i enjoyed it.

The thing that made this series I think was the final minute, when the titanic crashs into the tardis lmao:lol:
Ahh I ended like the previous with the Doctors "WHAT...WHAT?!" thing.

Eeeeeeeeeee I loved it. <3

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