do you think?


1337 PWN3R
Jan 29, 2007
Northern Ireland
do you think there will ever be a game made like world of warcraft or likew runescape or sumthin like tht for wii online
i love games where u have to like train and build up your character n like get good armour for them n weapons world of warcraft ?

do you think there will ever be one with characters like zelda (not actually zelda tho) n like sword fighting n stuff?

i just think that wud be awesome! i also like shooters n fps's n action n stuff just incase ur thinking im a bit weird lol
apparently blizzard (guys behind warcraft) have said that they will not be producing warcraft games for consoles, only PCs. so thats out of the question.
next up. yes there will be other games following zelda's theme but they are not likely to top it (in my opinion).
and yes, there will be many many FPS coming this way. the remote just screams for it.
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aw rage but, i heart wii.....its amazing... do u think metal gear solid will ever be released for it...i completed mgs2 in like 4 hours lol it was too easy...i dont game tht much either lol

i cant wait until more amazing games such as zelda r released
i doubt metal gear will be released on wii. i was a sony fanboy efore i converted and the only game i had to give up when i converted was the MGS series.:( but snake still makes an appearance in SSBB!
you can play battleon on the opera browser if anybody cares lol

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