Cool idea but, will probley never happen :(


Nov 16, 2006
HydePark, Utah
Wii Online Code
Well i just got my wii last night and IT IS AMAZING it is 100x better then i thought it whould be and i thought it would be VERY VERY VERY GOOD at the start! :smilewinkgrin:

So, me and my freind where talking on the bus to school today (lol ya im righting this in my 6th hour class). We thought how cool would it be if zelda was an MMO, like they just add downloadable content for it that supports multiplayers stuff (now im not saying this is going to happen im just saying it would be cool).

Just think, Zelda is alot more popular then Warcraft 1, 2, or 3, and World of Warcraft was a hit! Think of the hit Zelda would make if it was an mmo!:eek:

Think, you could quest around with your buddies, make your own character, find new and exsiting weapons!

Another name they could call it would be like "Hyrule Online" or something like that!:D I think if Nintendo did this they would be making a lot of money too, such to the point that its more popular then World of Warcraft and that has Millions of Players!

It would be cool to have different servers like: pvp (Player vs. Player), Roleplay, and normal servers!

What do you guys think, remember this is only and idea its not going to happen most likley..... but, it would be the best game ever if it did!
sounds cool and everything but mmo just doesnt seem like a nintendo 'thing' its too time consuming imho (such as wow)
Yeah but a lot of things would become a problem for it as well. I'd think most games would be amazing online. Those hardcore Nintendo lovers would have heard of Tales of Symphonia (to be honest you should know of it anyway) anyways, its amazing. Now imagine THAT online... godly; but it won't happen seeing as it will become too expensive to happen and a lot of other problems will occur.. too many to list or even think about :/.

Ugh; well lets just say. Firstly they'd have to revamp most of the systems.. to make it fit onto the fact that in most MMO's the monsters drop "items". In Zelda; theres only a couple of items you can "BUY" and get from "CHESTS"... theres no probability in getting a different item than others at that particular chest/boss/shop - because its set for only single player system - so this would need a total change in how bosses and monsters would work..

Another thing; "ITEMS" and "GOLD" and "TRADING SYSTEM" and so many other things. Also how would it be normal to find about 10000000 "Chosen One's". It'd require Zelda to become a whole different thing.

Final Fantasy pulled it off because it created a whole different storyline etc too it - which it almost always does.. and seeing as its an RPG it makes things much more easier on the levels of "ITEMS" and "DROPS".

Also - Zelda is mostly the same kinda thing over and over but with improvements and a somewhat "different" storyline... never such a thing to become an online game - they might as well create a WHOLE different game and throw it online but with similar battle systems and such as Zelda.

What I'm saying is yes it's a good idea - but your thinking is very narrow and not in detail.

Yes it would be awesome IF it was possible.

My opinion :).
agree with the person before... the whole setting of zelda is made for single player adventure just think of it... there's only one chosen hero (yes theres only one piece of courage (triforce)) only 1 master sword only 1 person that safes the world... the idea is cool but they would do a better job creating a new hero (heroes) ^^
i heard this from someone else, but i figured that i should throw the idea up there... what if link was kind of like an NPC and we were just otehr characters or monsters that would side with either Link of Ganon, helping whoever we sided with the either save/takeover Hyrule? i havent really thought it through, but it's better than all of us being the Hero of Time, eh?
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ya skullartor, this is what they where debating with Star Wars Galaxies also, it would be like above, you would be someone else and the singleplayer hero's would be npc's
You would always get the nerd who overplayed, and got the UBER FLAME BALL AND CHAIN upgrade, who would go around Kakariko swingin' his ball and killing all the newbies.

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