Do you have your wii upright or laying down?

wilcohead said:
you should get the wave bird wireless gamecube controllers
I have a couple, but do not seem to work as nicely as those wired ones. Besides you lose the rumble feature. Also have a couple of wireless pelican controllers. Those are horrible on the Wii.
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I wonder if something is wrong with your controllers..... My wavebird work fantastic.
Standing Up. They say with some Disc drives, vertical positions can seriously shorten their lifespan, but this one is pretty much vibrationless and almost perfectly quiet so I'm not worried about it.

I'd never keep my 360 standing upright though. It vibrates enough when it's on its side. Crappy DVD-Rom drives in those things.

I'm super impressed with the build quality of the Wii.
upright on stand always

when i used to have PS2 horizontally my cat was always sleeping on it because it gets, he's funny.
and plus it got cat hairs allover it and scratches, so things are vertical from now on
mine is laying down so it doesnt fall over

do they really get hot mine is never that hot maybe a lil warm
I have mine in the stand. I'm not sure why I put it up right, I just did. I don't play any GC games on it because there isn't many good ones and I don't have any GC gear anymore. I absolutely hate having wired controllers and refuse to use one since I got my 360, so I don't have to worry about pulling it over with the controller.
paintba||er said:
I have mine in the stand. I'm not sure why I put it up right, I just did. I don't play any GC games on it because there isn't many good ones and I don't have any GC gear anymore. I absolutely hate having wired controllers and refuse to use one since I got my 360, so I don't have to worry about pulling it over with the controller.
They make wireless GC controllers, yaknow? :p
I think most people will put theirs upright. Its marketed that way (it's upright in all posters, adverts etc.) and so maybe that makes that seems to be the way its 'supposed' to be?!

Mines upright. I'm a slave to subliminal corporate messages!! ;)

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