Do they sell sensors bars by its self?

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  • #32
vagrant said:
All I read out of that was "king vagrant" so QFT.

But seriously, you make threads everyday, just randomly, in the wrong section of the forums, usually about stuff there is already on a thread on.

I am surprised you actually posted twice in this one, usually you jus tmake the dumb threads and never look back in them.

Dude u no im kinda of new here but im working on it and it might of been fixed or not a problem anymore if you asked nicer. If you said this a long time ago i prob. would of done it
apparently you didnt. I know i've commented in a few of your threads too.

look, just drop it and learn from this alright? one less n00b is enough to make my day

now we have to work on gouranga -__-'

-SpideyKonfusion :(
xXxWiixXx said:
Dude u no im kinda of new here but im working on it and it might of been fixed or not a problem anymore if you asked nicer. If you said this a long time ago i prob. would of done it

Go into your profile and look at your past threads. I have said the same thing to you in like everyone you made. Because like every thread you made was either about something posted already recently, or nothing pertaining to the section of the forum.

But for you to take that in, would require you to actually revisit the threads you make, which you rarely do.
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  • #35
SpideyKonfusion said:
apparently you didnt. I know i've commented in a few of your threads too.

look, just drop it and learn from this alright? one less n00b is enough to make my day

now we have to work on gouranga -__-'

-SpideyKonfusion :(

Battle between me and vagrant is over now for gouranga. Not to hard. Its not cool just talk(Vagrant) to

This thread is a waste lol

Vagrant rules he insults everyone it's funny lol Like Jack Dee...

Second I understand breaking a Remote if it's like a 2 year old. But how could you break a Sensor...

Obviously thats the reason why they would sell them. If you Broke yours already :S:S:S

And breaking that is hard if it's an Accident
See the thing is, with some of you like gourang. We understand that some of the posters here are quite young. None the less, there is a policy agreement when you register that you have to agree to. This policy talks about stuff like obeying forum rules and such.

I posted on forums when I was very young also, and even administered on some big ones. So it is possible to be young and act mature in a social enviroment like a message board.

p.s. Some people don't like having to sift through a bunch of misplaced unecessary threads.
im not on eto do long posts because i cant type that fast i try to get my point ut as fast and as short as possible but if you two want to gang up on me then fine but i wont stop posting like it
gouranga said:
im not on eto do long posts because i cant type that fast i try to get my point ut as fast and as short as possible but if you two want to gang up on me then fine but i wont stop posting like it

It's not just your length of posts, if that you tend to either not make sense, or just say random stuff without quoting, so noone knows who you are talking to.
vagrant said:
It's not just your length of posts, if that you tend to either not make sense, or just say random stuff without quoting, so noone knows who you are talking to.

in other words, your posts dont contribute to the discussion at all. for example, if someone says LOZ:TP is awesome! you say "yea!" and thats it. how bout telling us WHY? elaborate god damnit!

and sometimes when you do make longer posts (see post above), youre grammar is so horrible you make us want to see those one word posts instead, so how bout you learn how to spell and use punctuation kid

-SpideyKonfusion ;)
i actualy like vagrant alot.

when someone posts some stupid ****, he can tell them off..
not that i cant, but i mean he gets the job done before i even have to in most cases :D

Hail King Vagrant (not sarcasticly though)

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