Do they sell sensors bars by its self?

ottoman said:
i really hate when people do this.

1) maybe hes new?
2) so what like you follow every rule..
3) dont be an idiot. the kid your tormenting wud prbly kik ur ass in real life. i know i would.

And regarding all 4...YOUR NOT A MOD. STOP ACTING LIKE ONE.
1)82 posts he would have learned
3)so would god
ottoman said:
i really hate when people do this.

1) maybe hes new?
2) so what like you follow every rule..
3) dont be an idiot. the kid your tormenting wud prbly kik ur ass in real life. i know i would.

And regarding all 4...YOUR NOT A MOD. STOP ACTING LIKE ONE.

1) hes not new, he does this VERY often actually
2) even if he doesnt, he atleast contributes to the forum, something douchebags like this guy, and YOU, dont do
3) what the **** does that have anything to do with? are you retarded?

gouranga said:
1)82 posts he would have learned
3)so would god

your first point is the only time ive seen you make any sense.

both of you can rot in hell for all i care, hell all 3 of you are douche bags. go suck on something long and hard.

now, seriously xXxWiixXx, use that mass of cells in your head you call a brain and stop making stupid threads like this.

****in morons...

-SpideyKonfusion :mad2:

PS o yea, just to make this post relevant so ottoman over here doesnt feel all high and mighty and ****, the wii sensor bar doesnt care what kind of wii you have, (US, british, australian, etc etc). All it is is two IR lights, nothing else. should be able to ship worldwide (or look for the of your country). If you want a wireless IR bar, just look for some 3rd party ones (again, use GOOGLE, ive seen someone post it on Digg for christ-****in-sakes). And if you dont wanna shell out that much money (i think it was around $50US, a complete rip off), i've heard you can just use two candles.

the sensor bar is juts 2 LED lights, like i said before. they dont send any info back to the wii, all the motion sensing is done by the Wiimote, which detects those two LEDs

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ottoman said:
i really hate when people do this.

1) maybe hes new?
2) so what like you follow every rule..
3) dont be an idiot. the kid your tormenting wud prbly kik ur ass in real life. i know i would.

And regarding all 4...YOUR NOT A MOD. STOP ACTING LIKE ONE.

1) No shiz?

2) No shiz?

3) Being 21 and all, I'm pretty sure I would wreck him hard.

4) Stop crying. This place is lightly modded, so it's like civilian arrest.
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You no vagrant i hav been checking all my friend posts during the past few days and ur very rude dude. Not dat u care but stop bro nobody likes u. It would be a big help if u would stop critisizing every1. You no, for someone who calls every1 a noob your a noob for not knowing how to talk well on a decent ****in forum.
(Spelling/Slang Sory if some people dont understand)
xXxWiixXx said:
You no vagrant i hav been checking all my friend posts during the past few days and ur very rude dude. Not dat u care but stop bro nobody likes u. It would be a big help if u would stop critisizing every1. You no, for someone who calls every1 a noob your a noob for not knowing how to talk well on a decent ****in forum.
(Spelling/Slang Sory if some people dont understand)

I like him, he's one of the few people that make sense here.

Quit being such a little pussy and grow some stones, he's only "rude" because of idiots like you.

-SpideyKonfusion :tard:

EDIT: gouranga, are you an idiot? honestly, vagrant just pointed out your 5 word posts (usually 1 or 2), thats what makes you look like an idiot as well. yet you continue doing them?

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  • #28
SpideyKonfusion said:
I like him, he's one of the few people that make sense here.

Quit being such a little pussy and grow some stones, he's only "rude" because of idiots like you.

-SpideyKonfusion :tard:

EDIT: gouranga, are you an idiot? honestly, vagrant just pointed out your 5 word posts (usually 1 or 2), thats what makes you look like an idiot as well. yet you continue doing them?


You know. He does make sense i will admit that but damn, idiots like me. So you must be calling a lot of people on this site idiots cuz vagrant goes around in every forum to comment people. Yeah he might want people to stop doing things but ****in talk dont go around ****in picking at every wrong thing a ****in human does. Bull ***t tHAT VAGRANT HAS NEVER DONE ***T LIKE THIS BEFORE. Come on you agree with vagrant. All hail KING VAGRANT. Yeah ok he makes sense but it's not his job to ber ****in monitering people for everything they say. You no vagrent i agree wit u but i also ****in hat you and spideykonfusion you rows some ****in balls and stop kissin peoples @$$
whos ass are we kissing? I've only been on this forum for a few weeks and I already know who the smart people here are. I've been to tons of forums and I'm only here to contribute and put down stupid noobs that deserve it.

what truly makes you a n00b is what you do after someone pisses on you. I was pissed on when I first went to a forum years ago, and I don't go around making stupid topics or stupid posts left and right. I try to contribute, even if its just a little.

So here you go, I'm pissing on you, so do something about it idiot

-SpideyKonfusion :nono:
xXxWiixXx said:
You know. He does make sense i will admit that but damn, idiots like me. So you must be calling a lot of people on this site idiots cuz vagrant goes around in every forum to comment people. Yeah he might want people to stop doing things but ****in talk dont go around ****in picking at every wrong thing a ****in human does. Bull ***t tHAT VAGRANT HAS NEVER DONE ***T LIKE THIS BEFORE. Come on you agree with vagrant. All hail KING VAGRANT. Yeah ok he makes sense but it's not his job to ber ****in monitering people for everything they say. You no vagrent i agree wit u but i also ****in hat you and spideykonfusion you rows some ****in balls and stop kissin peoples @$$

All I read out of that was "king vagrant" so QFT.

But seriously, you make threads everyday, just randomly, in the wrong section of the forums, usually about stuff there is already on a thread on.

I am surprised you actually posted twice in this one, usually you jus tmake the dumb threads and never look back in them.

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