Disc drive error


WiiChat Member
Oct 8, 2011
Hi all i didnt know where to post this because im new and i dont anything about this forum so i put it here :(

Whenever i try and play a disc on my wii it comes up with a error message e.g i play COD Black ops and ill get click on it in the wii menu it will start to load (go past the white screen where it tells you to put the wrist strap on and things) then it will get to the menu it will say loading and it will try and load but i can hear it struggling because theres a clicking noise like a "Tick Tock" almost it will tick tock then after one second do it again and it doesnt stop and doesnt load it comes up with "an error has occurred please press the eject button and turn your system off and consult the wii operations manual for more information" something along those lines.

Some times ill get past the menu and start playing but it will do this again and ill get the message . No matter what game withing five minutes of the console being onn and playing a game this will happen.
help ive been searching for 6 months to fix this and had nothing probably just gonna try and get a new one but its costly so i wanna try and fix mine.
Ive cleaned the lens aswell btw with a dvd cleaning kit and a proper wii disc cleaner but no luck with either.
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I'm dealing with the exact same problem, actually. If your Wii's as ancient as mine (it's all the way back from '06), then I'd imagine your disc drive problems are due to old age, and wear n' tear. Since your lens cleaner didn't work, that gives me little hope for my own... =/

Regardless of my problems, my guess is it's a problem with the laser itself that reads the discs, and not necessarily a dirty lens. It could also simply be damage to the drive, if you've dropped or hit the Wii prior to the problems starting. Is there a possibility you could of damaged your Wii somehow?

Before you invest in any repairs or solutions to your problem, try placing your Wii horizontally on it's side (if it isn't already), unplug all the wires for a day, and hope that solves your issue.
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thanks so much ive been searching for ages for answers its niice to know my problem is not unique and its nice that someone replied thanks
i have never dropped it or anything like that btw and you know you suggested HORIZONTALLY works (does this mean you fixewd your problem ????) ive tried this but not the unplug thing im on that one if you havent fixed your problem and you do please tell me how you did it
Sadly no, I haven't been able to fix my own Wii issue, and I intend to resort to a full repair. :( I've no advice from experience to give you, sorry.

I suggested the "lay the Wii horizontal" and unplugging everything from the many similar Wii issues I've read over, and finding out that those two simple actions can fix the Wii. Unplugging the Wii's cords and laying it horizontal can correct the lens/laser if they're out of place, and that is causing the error.

Do you own Super Smash Bros. Brawl, by any chance? And yes, this actually is a question of relevance.
Do you own Super Smash Bros. Brawl, by any chance? And yes, this actually is a question of relevance.

Metroid Other M will also apply.

Basically SSBB and Metroid Other M are dual layer Wii games. Some Wii consoles experience problems playing these disks and Nintendo will repair them for FREE provided you have one of those games. Metroid Other M may be the best option as it'll probably be cheaper to get than SSBB. It means that you can get your Wii fixed and a game for about $30.

I just had my 2006 Wii that wouldn't play a single game repaired for free and all I had to do was send the Wii and Metroid Other M game away. There is a link on Nintendo's support page for issues with specific games. They have a fast repair service too, mine was back in just 5 days.
Couldn't of said it any better myself; didn't know that Other M was dual layered as well.
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well thanks to everyone who commented and could you post the link of that link on the nintendo support page

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