define your name

The_Loose_Cannon said:
rays parents do the same thing. he cant speak tagalong (thats what they speak in manila in the philipines- one of the many dialects) but when his mom says "poofenaynai!" or something of that spelling which means son of a b*tch we just run for the hills lmao
LOL, i hate it wen all the elders start cursing u for something, coz they no i understand everything they say but they always say it in yoruba, and for some reason it makes it sound much more harsher than it said in english
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oh snap!!!!!! thanks emms

ok only me in a topic can manage to spam it up! AND ITS MY OWN TOPIC!!! jebus lol

lets talk about names shall we?? ;)
kk my dads name...

The boy's name Stephen \s-te-phen\ is pronounced STEE-ven, STEF-en. It is of Greek origin, and its meaning is "crown, garland". Variant of Stephanos. Biblical: Stephen was the first Christian martyr. Common until the late 18th century. Stefan is a German, Scandinavian, and Slavic form. Steffan and Steffon (STEH-fen) are Welsh forms. Actors Stephen Colins, Steve Martin, Steve McQueen, Steve Buscemi; songwriter Stephen Foster; physicist Stephen Hawking; author Stephen King; filmmaker Steven Spielberg; musician Stevie Wonder; computer entrepreneur Steven Jobs; film director Stephen Daldry.

Stephen has 26 variant forms: Esteban, Estefan, Estevan, Etienne, Staffan, Steba, Steben, Stefan, Stefano, Steffan, Steffen, Steffon, Stefon, Stephan, Stephano, Stephanos, Stephanus, Stephens, Stephenson, Stephon, Stevan, Steve, Steven, Stevenson, Stevie and Stevy.

For more information, see also related names Istvan and Stavros.

Baby names that sound like Stephen are Stephonn, Stefonn, Stephanas, Stevyn and Stevon.

Stephen is a very popular male first name and a very popular surname (source: 1990 U.S. Cencus.)
No results found for the name "Pras".
Dammit. I guess I will define my name myself:

Pras: Smart, handsome, strong and so on and so forth. :lol:
The_Loose_Cannon said:
yeah you gotta go to like elis island type sites to find out the origin of your name if you came here to the US from another country.

for example im romanian and im here in the US- im sure my last name was docked and altered when i got here

in an attempt to find a definition for my last name, i found out that my name is the new england version of beaudreau

i personally am glad

i wouldn't like that name

boudreau's better in my books
Great Thread.. :)

Mines means sheep =/

The girl's name Rachel \r(a)-chel\ is pronounced RAY-chel. It is of Hebrew origin, and its meaning is "ewe, female sheep". Biblical: Jacob's wife, described as being "beautiful in form and countenance". Jennifer Aniston's character in the popular TV series "Friends" was named Rachel. Rachelle (ra-SHELL) is a variant pronunciation; Raquel is popular in Spain. See also Richelle and Rochelle. Actresses Raquel Welch, Rachel Ward, Rachel Griffins; author Rachel Carson.

Rachel has 30 variant forms: Rachael, Racheal, Rachelanne, Rachelce, Rachele, Racheli, Rachell, Rachelle, Rachil, Rae, Raechel, Raechell, Rahel, Rahil, Rakel, Raquel, Raquela, Raquella, Raquelle, Ray, Raychel, Raychelle, Rashell, Rashelle, Raychel, Rechell, Shell, Shelley, Shellie and Shelly.

Baby names that sound like Rachel are Richel, Racquel, Richele, Richela, Rochell and Rochele.

Rachel is a very popular female first name and a very popular surname
Clayton: Of the earth.
Fox: Of foxes.
The boy's and girl's name Dillon \d(il)-lon\ is pronounced DIL-un. It is of Irish and Gaelic origin, and its meaning is "like a lion; loyal". Sounds like Dylan. Actor Matt Dillon.

Dillon has 6 variant forms: Dilan, Dillan, Dillen, Dilon, Dyllon and Dylon.

Baby names that sound like Dillon are Dallon, Dallin, Dallan, Dalon, Dallen, Daylon, Delon, Deleon, Dyllan and Tallon.

Dillon is an uncommon male first name and a very popular surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census).

Shwett. :cool: I'm A Lion. Rawr.

And I'm Uncommon. COOL!

I Don't See A Dillion In There... TAKE THAT TYLER!!!
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The_Loose_Cannon said:
haha i used to have one of those too when i was little! white mug with green letters saying what my name ment. jeez i wonder what ever happend to that mug....:confused:

i had a jaja binks mug which was in the shape of his head....

i still got mine, :prrr: :ihih:

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