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My second name Defined

MacFarlane — MacPhàrlain. From Parland or Bartholomew, one of which is claimed as the ancestor of the clan and held lands at the head of Loch Lomond during King David Bruce's reign. They also claim descent from the ancient earldom of Lennox. MacParland, MacParlane, MacPharlan.

there you go a snippet of my ancestry

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  • #49
i found a site that does good last names but i wouldnt post them here since its a bit too personal.

if youre curious for your own reasons, go here
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  • #54
Ayo said:
Jills romanian? thats the 3rd romanian i no. Can u speak romanian, i no the numbers up to 10 and thats it.

i cant speak romanian but i can speak almost fluent hebrew.

the only romanian words i know are curses lmao youve never been yelled at romanian grandparents! :sick:
wii cammy,that reminds me off wen i was in p7,my teacher had a projecter and he searced up all my class mates second names every one was working and looking at the bored at the pc screen at the same time,and my creast came up as a triangle
The_Loose_Cannon said:
i cant speak romanian but i can speak almost fluent hebrew.

the only romanian words i know are curses lmao youve never been yelled at romanian grandparents! :sick:
my mum yells out yoruba curses (mother toungue) and like u i cant speak it well but i no all the curses:lol:
Another Scottish name here (I'm not from Scotland though).

Kyle - Name Meaning and Origin

The boy's and girl's name Kyle \k(y)-le\ is pronounced kyl. It is of Gaelic origin, and its meaning is "narrow, straight". Place name that refers either to a narrow body of water between two land masses, or to a peninsula or isthmus. Actor Kyle MacLachlan.

Kyle has 8 variant forms: Kile, Kiley, Kye, Kylan, Kylar, Kylen, Kyler and Kyrell.

Baby names that sound like Kyle are Kale, Cale, Kaile, Cayle, Kayley, Cole, Coyle, Gale, Gayle, Kaley, Kell and Kelle.

Kyle is a very popular male first name and a very popular surname (source: 1990 U.S. Census). Displayed below is the baby name popularity trend for the boy's name Kyle. Click here to compare Kyle with related baby names.
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  • #59
Ayo said:
my mum yells out yoruba curses (mother toungue) and like u i cant speak it well but i no all the curses:lol:

rays parents do the same thing. he cant speak tagalong (thats what they speak in manila in the philipines- one of the many dialects) but when his mom says "poofenaynai!" or something of that spelling which means son of a b*tch we just run for the hills lmao
heh since u people are typing about languages u speak, i'll do the same....... i speak Mesteco.......cannot be written

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