Deahtly Hallows Leaked on Torrent

God why do people do this... it's so stupid.

Why can't they just wait like everyone else has to.
I haven't read the book yet because it's only coming out on July 21st here. I read the spoilers but I honestly couldn't care less because if you think about it, that's only about 1/10,000 of the whole book itself. I pre-ordered Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, expect good things.
surfinrach90 said:
Why can't they just wait like everyone else has to.
Impatience is a virtue; well, on the internet at least.
You'd be surprised what you can find if you know where to look.
Star Striker said:
Even if it's fake, it's still a book and if you enjoy it, where's the harm?
There isn't any, really. Most of the people who would download things off the internet wouldn't or don't have the money to buy them anyway so it's not like the companies are loosing money because they wouldn't get any anyway.
I know my brother will buy a copy just to have the whole set so it doesn't really matter.
Well if you can't afford you don't get.

At least that's what I've been taught, obviously they haven't.
Not Possible

J.k rowling said in an interview it was only 608 pages long so you must be lying
Aww Fred dies? Noooooooooooooooooooo I now hate whoever killed Fred....and Hedwig.....and Dobby.
The pdf file I have has exactly the same amout of pages as she said it has.

THERE ARE 784 NOT 608.

The vast amount of paper needed to print 12 million copies of the 784-page Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows makes the decision by Scholastic to invest in environmentally preferable paper a significant step in the company’s ongoing commitment to responsible environmental stewardship.
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surfinrach90 said:
Well if you can't afford you don't get.

At least that's what I've been taught, obviously they haven't.
Ha, I could afford it, I just have better things to do with my money than buy duplicate copies of books my brother is going to buy anyway.
Star Striker said:
I downloaded that pdf torrent of the photo's of each page and it's very hard to read at times.
I've got a 660 page PDF of the actual text. It's very easy to read...