Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


Wiichat Member
Aug 22, 2006
Iowa, America
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(This Thread Will Most Likely Contain Spoilers If You Aren't Finished with 1-6)

Well, After 10 long years the Harry Potter series finnally comes to a close. I'm really looking forward to this book and it better not dissapoint. I'll probably end up spending the entire July 20th (The release date is the 21st) camping out for the book.

This is a thread to just talk about what you think will happen.

Will Harry live?

Is Snape good or evil?

Are Dumbledore and Sirius really dead?

Is Harry a horcrux?

You know, good stuff like that. And I dont want any one coming in here and starting a debate about how Harry Potter is unchristian and what not. It's just a thread to discuss the upcoming book.

(Alot of good info here: http://www.mugglenet.com/ )
LMAO, used to like them in....5th grade. I just wanna get the stupid series over with by now. Sell on ebay or something.

I dunno. I hope everyone Avada Kedavra's everybody else. Would be nice to see that everyone in the entire book dies.
Brawny said:
LMAO, used to like them in....5th grade. I just wanna get the stupid series over with by now. Sell on ebay or something.

I dunno. I hope everyone Avada Kedavra's everybody else. Would be nice to see that everyone in the entire book dies.

wow, pretty sure that's what he was trying to avoid. make a point or don't post in the thread.

as far as the book goes, don't really know what's going to happen and i don't want to know until i get the book and read it through about 5 times until i understand it. hopefully this one won't constantly use the word "snoging" every 5 lines.
Okies, sorry. I didn't think of that post as bad.. ah well.

Yes, harry is a horcrux.

No, sirius and Dumbledore didn't die.

And snape is okay. It's all one giant plan of some guy that no one's ever heard of. like...voldemort's mentor or something random like that.

Edit: Also, when people say "ootp" do you think of order of the pheonix first? I think of a mix of Ocarina of Time/twilight princess..

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Dumbledore better not be dead ]:
He was my main man, yo.
Better not keel off Hagrid either :mad5:

Dumbledore's dead...6th book @ the end. Sorry Trulen. Yeah, Hagrid is the **** man, he's great. He could beat the crap out of anyone and repel spells/jinxes if fired at him.

3 people will die?

Haven't read them in a while and I don't read up on the rumours, so my speculations could be a bit off.

Sirius and Dumbledore better stay dead or else it could all get a bit silly(I know, it's about wizards, how could it get silly?)

Was Dumbledore a horcrux? That way it makes sense that Snape (who has to be good) killed him.

RAB. Sirius's brother, yes? As I said haven't read them in a while.

Also, Dumbledore's brother to make an apperance(in doing so, making up slightly for Dumbledore's whole being dead thing).
I hope that the Weasleys all die.
Not that i'm against ginger people or anything...

Its not my fault ginger people have no soul.
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JK Rowling already said on several occasions that Dumbledore is definitely dead and will only come back as a portrait.

I doubt Harry is a horcrux but it is possible.

I think Snape is good and Dumbledore used legilmency to tell Snape to kill him to Malfoy wouldn't have to - Dumbledore saw his life as less important.
I've heard the audio book to this is going to come out on the day..

is this true?

Stephen Fry does it, I'm tempted to catch up and all that I don't know and buy the audio book
Flagel said:
I hope that the Weasleys all die.
Not that i'm against ginger people or anything...

Its not my fault ginger people have no soul.

What is this bull?! Nuthin' wrong with Irish people!
Edit:eek:hhh South Park! :lol: I love that ep!!!!!
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Man, it's been dragging on for too long. Everytime a new book comes out, I have to re-read the whole series as I forget more than 75% of the story. I've lost interest in HP over the years (!) but I'll still end up reading this last installment.
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ericlewis91 said:
harry dies hahaaaa

Umm good spam...

but anyway...

i think lupin, bellatrix, snape, pettigrew, voldemort, one of the weasley parents, and possibly a weasley child will die.

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