DBloke An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts Staff member Moderator May 30, 2006 19,544 119 Super Mancyland Wii Online Code 8041-7231-3447-6164 Jan 26, 2010 #1 Because we can never have to many good zombie films http://kotaku.com/5457016/dead-rising-the-movie
IDECLAREWAR addicted to facebook. Feb 6, 2011 447 1 you call this hell? i believe your mistaken. Wii Online Code 8903-0113-1407-6451 Mar 10, 2011 #2 dude...is this like...no b.s? ive beaten them bouth and would love to see a movie!
BluRayPSP TF2 Best Characters Jul 7, 2009 747 0 Arkansas Wii Online Code 0000-0000-0000-0000 May 21, 2011 #3 I've lost respect for Hollywood. They're taken books, comics, games, older movies, cartoons/anime, and turning into movies. Trust me, they've ran out of ideas if they're making a 'Smurfs' movie.
I've lost respect for Hollywood. They're taken books, comics, games, older movies, cartoons/anime, and turning into movies. Trust me, they've ran out of ideas if they're making a 'Smurfs' movie.
OP DBloke An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts Staff member Moderator May 30, 2006 19,544 119 Super Mancyland Wii Online Code 8041-7231-3447-6164 May 21, 2011 Thread Starter Thread starter #4 A exspambot bumped this thread and felt my HAMMER of The mods!