DarkPresents : This weeks UK vc titles


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Snes 800 pts

According to the instruction booklet, the world is maintained by a deity known as "The Master." Tanzra, referred to as "The Evil One", is the eternal enemy of The Master and wishes to conquer the world. His six Guardians attacked The Master in a battle that lasted several days. After the battle, The Master retreated to his Sky Palace, which floats in the sky atop a cloud, to tend to his grave injuries. He erected a barricade and fell into a long and deep sleep. With The Master incapacitated, Tanzra divided the world into six lands, each ruled by one of his guardians. The Master awoke several hundred years later with his injuries completely healed, but his power had been removed as the people turned towards evil. He removed his barrier from the Sky Palace, determined to free the world from The Evil One

I have not played this game

Bonks revenge
Tg 600 pts

Bonk's Revenge is a 2D platformer originally for the TurboGrafx 16 console, created in 1991 by the Red Company for Hudson and Turbo Technologies, and licensed by NEC. The game features Bonk -- a large-headed caveman -- on a quest to recover half of the moon, which was stolen by the evil King Drool. Its multiple stages each contain several specific areas, which range from outdoors to trains to space to underwater. As in most platformers, Bonk has several crucial abilities: the A button causes him to jump; the B button causes him to "bonk," an action in which Bonk slams his head forward, inflicting a killing blow on most enemies; A jump-B combo causes Bonk to head-butt the Earth, killing enemies he lands on and creating a damaging shockwave; A frequent tapping of B in midair causes Bonk to rotate and hover, allowing for long, controlled jumps. Bonk can also use his large mouth to grip onto surfaces for climbing.

A mildly entertaining platromer

Nes ver 500pts

If you dont know what pac man is.
To be honest this ones takin the piss its come out on allmost ever console ever.
(I also say its over rated)
Oh, Bonks Revenge is a good one. I haven't played that in a very long time. Pac-man is a must play, but it isn't a must buy.
Why would I pay £3.50 for Pac Man. I'm sitting at a PC.
Being a new Nintendo fan can't comment on the other two, I might look into Bonk's Revenge though.
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Is a waste of the wiis memory
Look at all them Namco collections (theres one out for the gc) its on all of them

Its a waste of time
Its dull
It was never that good

And yet Namco must realese it on every sodding console
Darkprinny said:
Is a waste of the wiis memory
Look at all them Namco collections (theres one out for the gc) its on all of them

Its a waste of time
Its dull
It was never that good

And yet Namco must realese it on every sodding console

At least they didn't completely rip people off and release a new version with Wiimote control. Although that could change... :lol:

Pac-Man is one of the most overrated games ever!
Haven't played Actraiser yet, but it has been rated by Gamespot as 1 of the best games of all time due to being a Simulation\Platformer hybrid.

Pacman is smooth, instant, simple and addictive. Bet you can't manage a more than a few levels. The world record holder plays for days on end literally. There is even rivalry I hear between fellow record attempters.
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timthepig said:
Bet you can't manage a more than a few levels.

Without geting board shitless

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