US VC Releases for 4/16/07

Punch Out is the best!! I still have the nes cartridge and its one of the only ones that still work however, so i'm not going to buy it on vc, but I recommend it to everyone.
ugh i dont know what to get... i have 600 points left over ,and i really can't spend anything else till payday (friday) ,and i dont know whether to get Bonk 2 ,or Punchout. i like the first bonk game ,and i really like punch out hmm...grrr plus paper mario just came for me today too. maybe bonk might be too much platforming for right now.
Maximo said:
ugh i dont know what to get... i have 600 points left over ,and i really can't spend anything else till payday (friday) ,and i dont know whether to get Bonk 2 ,or Punchout. i like the first bonk game ,and i really like punch out hmm...grrr plus paper mario just came for me today too. maybe bonk might be too much platforming for right now.

Super Paper Mario is hardly a platformer, it's an action RPG. Go get Bonk, it makes the most sense to me if you don't like punch out. Or hell don't get anything, lol.
that was the problem i had i like both bonk ,and punch out although i decieded to wait on punchout ,and grabbed bonk. Bonk 2 is by far much better than the first.
Maximo said:
that was the problem i had i like both bonk ,and punch out although i decieded to wait on punchout ,and grabbed bonk. Bonk 2 is by far much better than the first.

Yeah, I'm enjoying Bonk 2 more than I thought I would. Never played the first and don't plan on doing so, lol.