damn SD cards !!!!


WiiChat Member
Nov 29, 2006
Maybe its me but I do not understand these SD card saves. Example... I have a saved version of Zelda on the SD card. I continue play via the memory on the Wii, save as norm the progress on the wii and then opt to back up on the SD card. I then go into the data managment section and it will not let me save as it tells me that there is already saved dat for Zeld on there.....or maybe (he thinks) as it is a saved file on the SD card it AUTOMATICALLY updates on the Wii AND SD card when you save the game in the normal way.....oh wise ones enlighten me pleeeeez :eek:ut:
if you want an exact copy of your save just save as normal on your wii's system memory and then simply copy that data onto the SD.
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Byuakuya said:
if you want an exact copy of your save just save as normal on your wii's system memory and then simply copy that data onto the SD.

.....and thats where the problem lies....When i then go to the Data Managment on the Wii menu and when i then tell it to save it tells me that the file already exisits..it does not give me the option to overwrite???
You need to delete the save off the SD card first then copy the save from the wii to the SD card. For some reason it doesnt ask to overwrite.

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