Transfering memory

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I can't get my Wii online, I don;t have a wifi dongle thingy. Is there anyother way, I can just put the memory card in, and transfer it over, like on a GC, or a PS2 or something?
seanf111 said:
I can't get my Wii online, I don;t have a wifi dongle thingy. Is there anyother way, I can just put the memory card in, and transfer it over, like on a GC, or a PS2 or something?

You don't need a dongle to get WiFi; You need a wireless router . . .connect the router to your ISP and your good to go.

And don't be stupid, you can't just tranfer things to the Wii from another system.
seanf111 said:
I can't get my Wii online, I don;t have a wifi dongle thingy. Is there anyother way, I can just put the memory card in, and transfer it over, like on a GC, or a PS2 or something?

You will be able to transfer the info over once your system does the first update. So in esence you will need to connect to be able to do this. But after you connect once and update you won't.


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