Covering Sensor Bar with see-through works!


WiiChat Member
Nov 10, 2007
Hey all,

I am about 11 or 12 feet from my sensor bar, and my remotes work just fine. However, on the Wii Menu, I would sometimes notice a jittery cursor when It's in the lower right portion of my TV (I have a 65" HD TV).

I was figuring that it was some odd glare coming from the tv screen protective cover an bouncing off of the shiny front of the sensor bar windows.

SO, i places a sheet of kleenex tissue over the front of the sensor bar, and the remote now works flawlessly in all areas of the TV - even back to 15 feet or so. Obviously, the kleenex eliminates extraneous glare from the sensor bar windows.

Has anyone else done this? I am going to get 2 small patches of black, see-through fabric to put on the front of my sensor bar, so the fabric won't stand out...



Thats rather interesting.

This is probably the most common problem that people face with the wii. I will definitely be checking out this fix. Thanks a lot for the post.
it's crazy.. when you have jittery pointing you should be able to identify the interference when you view the sensor bar' sensitivity options in the wii's config menus :yesnod:

you would se more than two light sources.
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idjut said:
it's crazy.. when you have jittery pointing you should be able to identify the interference when you view the sensor bar' sensitivity options in the wii's config menus :yesnod:

you would se more than two light sources.

Surprisingly, the cursor will shake even if the sensitivity is set so that only 2 dots appear properly, with no other apparent sources of IR light on the sensitivity screen...


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metalfreak said:
wait, so what purpose exactly does the see-through fabric serve?

Even thought I only saw 2 dots appearing during the sensitivity calibration, I would still get a jumpy cursor around the edges of my menus. By placing the see-through fabric over the sensor bar, the cursor went back to normal, and doesn't shake. The only thing I can attribute it to is that there were some stray rays of light reflecting off of my TV screen (or something else) and hitting the shiny front of the sensor bar - thus causing some interference...

Regardless, the problem is solved!


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Anyone try it? Care to share?



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