Couple of questions about the Wii


WiiChat Member
Oct 17, 2006
Hi, would just like some answers to a couple of questions, any answers are appreciated.
1) Will I need to buy an SD memory card for my Wii when I get it for game saves? I remember hearing the internal flash memory was for VC games only (or possibly the other way around) but can't find a source.
2) Will the Wiimote be usable with virtual console games?
3) If the answer to my 2nd question is no, will a gamecube controller work?

Thanks in advance for any answers.
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Thanks, answers are much appreciated, one last question which i forgot to ask, is the Wii fully backwards compatable with GC games?
Shmook said:
Thanks, answers are much appreciated, one last question which i forgot to ask, is the Wii fully backwards compatable with GC games?
Yea I think so.. From some people , Wii is a GCN x 1.5 but i think its really a
GCN + A hole lot of features x 2 xD
GreyKirby said:
Yea I think so.. From some people , Wii is a GCN x 1.5 but i think its really a
GCN + A hole lot of features x 2 xD

A hole lot of features = X


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Great, just what i wanted to hear, I never had a Gamecube so it gives me a chance to catch up on what i missed

I just wanted to add that I think you can use the Wii-Mote for Virtual NES games, but I'm not completly sure.

Even though I have 2 GC Controllers, I probually will still buy 2 classic controllers as they are wireless and slick :D

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