format the flash memory


WiiChat Member
Dec 3, 2007
probably a question that has already been answered. i have searched and can't find anything. i am wanting to sell my wii. before i do i want to format the flash memory and the shop channel memory. ok, i have backed up all of the VC games on a memory card. after the wii of formated, will the counsel still recognize the games from the memory card
You cannot back up VC games... You can back up VC games saves..... When you reformat your Wii, It does not reformat your VC Channel Buys. It will restart the Wii to when you first bought it...but the VC channel will stay the same.

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here is where i am confused. when i was looking at the forums (which are of no help) is say
"You should format your Wii Shop Channel and Wii console's system memory prior to selling or otherwise transferring your Wii console to any third party. To clear information from the Wii Shop Channel, including records of your transactions and rights to download software"
i took that to mean giving up the rights to the VC. i do want to format the shop channel because personal info is stored in there
Yes you should format the VC Shop Channel or else the people would use your money to buy VC games!

Remember that when you delete your VC channel NOTHING can be returned (Games, Money, etc)
Pikachu256 said:
You cannot back up VC games...

are you sure?

i've coppied all of my VC games to my SD card.
i have yet to try to delete them and copy them back onto my wii..
i know u can redownload them.
that makes little sense on why.. (i understand the "pirating" part, not the how come?)

the wii formats the SD card, would it not put it's own info on it? like say "hey, this SD card belongs here!"

have you actually tried it?
i'll try it this evening... off to my sisters to get it back! she borrowed it for like 2 weeks.. i'm going through withdrawl :lol:
Ok, You download the VC games saves to bring it over to a friends house and load your data.

You cannot bring the whole VC game to there house and play.

Just trust me, You can try to put VC games on there but It will not work on another Wii...... Game Saves Will
ok i tried this once before i exchanged my wii for a new one because the graphics were messed up.. and den i put in da memory card with the internet channel from my old wii and put it on my new wii.. and it wouldnt do it.. so i was disappointed because now i had to buy my internet channel.. thank jeebus for me being cheap nd not buying vc games! or else i wouldve wasted my money!:yesnod:
Pikachu256 said:
Yes... Because if you could back up VC games everyone would be sharing it instead of buying it.... You can only save VC games saves

im pretty sure that you can save the entire game on the sd card, the thing is it only game only works on that particular wii.
Bigred said:
im pretty sure that you can save the entire game on the sd card, the thing is it only game only works on that particular wii.

that's what i was trying to get at.. thank you!
faster.. copy on the fly (delete 1 channel and copy another if your channels are full)..
sometimes people dont have enough money to afford the internet, so they have to go without it for a few months to catch up on bills... therefore they cannot redownload it.

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