corruption in the air?


Jun 25, 2006
hemet, CA
Wii Online Code
:wtf: noticed there are alot of threads where they just turn into "who can have the last comback" and it's stupid, there is already enough coruption we don't need any more, and im not just talking about the new members who are making these posts available, there has been some long time members doing this as well, it's stupid because no one wants to be the bigger person, anyone else notice this and think it is a problem?
We need a flaming thread, just to bash on anyone anyone wants, if that person chooses not to read it, then to bad. Pissed about something someone said on this thread? Well go the Flame Thread and take it out on them! If you really want them to know you said it, leave them a PM!
Really though, thats just a sign of stupidity if it goes through, more active mods is the awnser.
I'm a member of a different, non-gaming forum. They include a "Troll" forum, were these types of discussions take place. The mods move any posts from the other forums into the "Troll" forum. Maybe a similar idea would work here.
Sovieto said:
We need a flaming thread, just to bash on anyone anyone wants, if that person chooses not to read it, then to bad.

This kind of forum could be seen as a Spamming forum and would actualy prevent i0n being able to use Google ads on his website. In the Google adsense programme Terms of Use, it states that it will remove their ads if they find any website having Spam along side it's ads (of courses it wasn't worded liked this).

JoeTheZombie said:
I agree. Are there no active mods on these forums?

I could not agree more. This is what I dislike most about - There needs to be a team who close spam threads / close duplicate threads and link to where the conversation is already taking place / suspend posting abilities of members who just are annoying / keep the peace / etc.

Especially with UK launch round the corner, these forums are going to get flooded with UK people who have problems with their Wii.
Haz said:
Especially with UK launch round the corner, these forums are going to get flooded with UK people who have problems with their Wii.
Don't forget the aussie launch as well there's quite a few aussie on here (like me)
Ok, I have to admit, I fell into a flame war with ABC.

I'm not normally like that, and hope that people's opinions of me haven't changed too much. I also hope that I can get back to my normal self again.

Once again, sorry. Next time, I'll go through legitimate channels first.
MetroidZ said:
What flame war? You guys were debating from what I saw, maybe I'm talking about a different thread.
Well, to be fair, it started out as a debate, but it went into a flame war. It's kinda difficult trying to end a flame war without looking like the "loser". Even if you do try and maintain the moral highground for as long as possible.

I have to admit, I think the admins on these forums could do with being a little stricter. But perhaps that's just my personal preference.

Oh, has there been any serious Flame wars other than me and ABC around lately?

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