Alot Of Rude People On Forum

I agree with all that it been said in this thread, even though the newbies may be unknowledgable or have never visit a forum before, we should all give and teach them respect. In this forum, we are their parents,:rolleyes:, and we have to bring them up the right way, like in real life.

So we should do that by avoiding bursts of unthoughtful or violent comments due to a nembies lack of knowledge, or smartness in some cases. We should all treat them and each other the same.

*EDIT i really do like the new forum 'Wii Basics" it is a great idea!
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Well Thanks Alot and already i saw some changes, i mean now people are getting more nice to im happy that you lisend...thanks again
i0n said:
It's been interesting reading the replies and views in this thread, and i can understand the frustration that some of you are having.

But the fact is the Wii is new, very new and as we get closer to launch and the months after, we will be swamped with new members no doubt many of them will be new to the console and possibly new to gaming in general (Non-gamers are a target audience for the Wii).

These new members wont be as knowledgable as us about the console and i think it's our duty to bring them upto speed on it as quickly as possible.

If we choose to be elitest and not share our know-how with these new members then what purpose do we serve as a community?

Many of you are very patient with new members and answer their questions, pointing them in the right direction - im really pleased about that.

But it realy does boil down to the the fact that if you dont have anything positive to add to a thread, then just don't post in it - move on to another thread. If you're reading a thread that you feel is getting out of hand or already has done, then click the report thread/post button and i'll take a look at it.

Thanks for the feedback guys it's very helpful, but i think it would be really cool if we could embrace these new members wouldnt it be better to be known as a helpful and welcoming group of Wii fans :)

Yes, we do have the most kickass admin around :)
I agree with how rude some people are here, but you kinda just have to live with it. I think your argument would be much better with a better structure to what you have written, but you still got your point across, never-the-less.

I also agree with what Flip stated, and I also applaud his grammar and structure. =D I respect people who actually know how to type.

And I have to agree with i0n, as well.Since the Wii is a new system, these forums will become swamped with new people, trying to get information, and asking questions about the Wii. This will only continue through it's launch, and you can't stop that. Just learn how to deal with them, and maybe help them become a better member. Mention the search button, and teach them anything else you feel is appropriate.
I have to admit...

I know I can fly off the handle sometimes and I get way too involved in discussions, but I won't deliberately insult people.

One of the best things about these forums is the great debates we've have (in reference to my Red Steel debate with Nate). I consider myself a reasonable man so I enjoy discussing things with the posters on these forums; this is made even better when you are discussing these issues with reasonable people :)
I've actually seen traces of some people being rude and cynical... Moreso here than on another forum I frequent. Some of the flamings are sort of called for, but are over the top in most cases.

Like some people putting up a discussion, or atleast trying to, then someone comes in shooting their mouth off... Providing hipocritical statements and such.

However, being optimistic I've seen as just as equal weight on the other side of the scales, a lot of people are very nice and helpful when need be.

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