Copy Smash Bros DATA?


WiiChat Member
Mar 10, 2008
Me and my brother both bought a wii. I have one and he has one. We earned all the characters on his wii so now i am trying to copy the data to my wii. I was tols that i need a SD card. I inserted it into the wii and tried to copy the data but it will not let me. I can copy other saved games to my card but not smash bros. i have enough space on my card to hold the data but i do not know why i cannot copy it. Can someone help me?
The instruction book says you cannot copy the data to an SD card. You can save some play data to an SD card by going to the Vault & Options screen. However, you cannot copy anything from the Wii menus to the SD card.

Elebits is the same way. This sucks because if your Wii breaks or needs to be replaced you cannot save all your game data.

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