R-Type - copy to SD card ?


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2006
I thought the idea behind VC games was that they could be copied/backed up to SD cards, yet I get the error 'This File Cannot Be Copied' if I try and copy R-Type to my 1GB SD card. The SD card is okay as I can copy my Wii Sports data to it.

Has anyone tried this with R-Type?

EDIT: Ignore that, I was stupidly trying to copy the game save data! Once I went into Wii Channels I copied the data just fine. :)
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There is no point really in backing them up the SD card since you can re-download them for free. Also, once you move a VC game to SD you can't play it until you copy it back or re-dowload it. I've heard re-downloading takes alot less time than copying back and forth from SD.
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I only copied it to the SD card, IE I didn't move it. :)

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