Considering Just Dance 2014


WiiChat Member
Dec 14, 2009
played a few games in the series, they are stupid fun for groups. I'm considering this one. Has anyone tried it yet? I know its not out here until tomorrow but I believe Europe got it last week, so if anyone has tried it?
i haven't tried it but the other ones have been fun to play with friends so im definitely gonna check it out.
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That's pretty much where I'm at for this. I think I'll stop at the store on the way home from work and pick it up. If I end up doing that I'll let you know what the family thinks of it once we have a chance to try it out.
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OK, played for a long time last night, me and the husband and the kids. We all like it a lot considering we found ourselves laughing a lot and being silly just like we did in the previous games :) tracks are decent but the dancing itself is the real thing. When we weren't goofing we were being seriously challenged, none of us have played a dance game in several months.
id rather get wii sports club, wii party U, and sonic mario sochi olympic games...

just dance 2014 will probably sell more on the wii this year.
yea iv'e been thinking about getting wii sports club for my little sister as a birthday present, stuck between that and just dance.

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