Quick Wifi Mic Chat Question

The Full Metal

WiiChat Member
Dec 11, 2006
Wii Online Code
Hey just curious for MOH or other wifi games has anyone like got a group together and used Vent or other computer mic chat programs say with a wireless headset? Bet my life someone has already done this or talked about it. Say like myself I own a laptop I could bring it right next to where I play my wii and open vent and waam invite whoever i'm playing with into vent and talk stradegy :D If anyone has tried this let me know how it went. OR if anyone wants to try it let me know. :yesnod:
i like fullmetal alchemist and i was just wondering if u'd be my friend by giving me ur wii number so i can add you thx
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AtomicB said:
I've looked for it but can find anything like it. I think clans do that sort of thing, though.

Doing that would give you a huge advantage over the opposing team, wouldn't it?

Yea big advantage :yesnod: Also just having the chat itself I think makes online game more fun ! I need to join a MOH clan :p
didnt god create verizonwireless for this exact reason
cellphones =]
lg voyager ftw..

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